I pay extra for faster shipping depending on the price of the item. If I'm buying something that's $50 or so, an extra 5 or more dollars to get it 3 days faster doesn't matter that much. It's better to buy in advance though. I have Amazon prime, which is nice and a lot of online stores now have good shipping deals. I'm a pretty impatient person however.
At onnit.com the express shipping is $34 and yes I do that. I much prefer having my purchases delivered in a few days instead of weeks. I receive a discount as it is, so what I do is buy a lot of products at once. Usually a 4 month supply of supplements. That way, the express shipping fee basically becomes the 10% I saved so I end up paying full price with free shipping. (technically. The 10% discount cancels it out.
I'm a Canadian resident, but I used the Amazon.com Prime to ship products during the holiday season to family in the US. I have to say, it completely spoils you especially when you don't feel the need to lump up a bunch of items together to get "free shipping status." Not only that, Amazon Prime TV and the new music streaming service are great perks to the annual fee. Without question, if I was a US resident I would pay for prime. Sadly, the Canadian version isn't so great.
I rarely pay for fast shipping. The only times I ever do is when I need something urgently, it's only available online and I need to get it before regular shipping delivery time. Last time I remember doing that was a couple of years ago for Halloween when I had a party to go to and had express shipping to deliver my costume on time!
I guess this is where being a patient person pays off, I can wait for whatever I've ordered to come in the regular time it's suppose t come in. I try not to shop or clothing items on line because I have had totally different lookng item sent to me, that is a shock when you have waited for it for weeks!
Wouldn't paying more beat the purpose of getting the item/product cheap online in the first place? When I want something fast, I head of straight to the store and get it rather than order for it online then pay a little extra. Should I want to take advantage of cheaper prices on the net, then I'll instead make an order for something a few weeks prior to when I'd need the stuff. That way I don't need to fork out any extra cash.
On the internet I mostly order things from overseas. I usually pay for international shipping costs which are $4. Thy say that the items will take 1-4 weeks to arrive, but most of my orders normally arrive within a week. I only ever pay for express shipping for health products that I need immediately. They take 3-4 days to arrive in my country.
It really depends on what it is and how fast I need it. I have done it occasionally when I can afford it just because. Generally no I don't though. I'd rather save money. There were a few times I have done it just because I ordered the item late and I needed it for like Christmas or a Birthday. Fast shipping is very pricey though, I'd rather wait a week or two if I can and save my money. Again if it costs me more than the price I'd pay at a store, I wouldn't even bother with it.