I read lots of books and always I prefer stories with happy endings. Life might not be all about eventually getting what you want but the very least an author of a book can offer you is some hope that no matter how bad things get, in the end something good will happen. No matter how long the night lasts, eventually dawn will break. Something like that. If you had to choose, would you prefer stories with happy endings or stories that don't mind killing off the protagonists?
I like happy endings in my stories. Life is full of drama and hardship as it is so at least my book heroes should get to live happily ever after. Plus, reading about happy things tends to influence our lives in a positive manner. I remember myself being quite depressed and low energy after finishing a sad ending novel, but not anymore, I've stopped reading such books.
Happy ending are the best. I prefer to feel really good after I have read a novel not concerned or upset. Happy endings are more about having faith that things do actually work out. It is the escape from reality that most people like about happy endings. They want out of their mediocre and unfulfilled lives. I also like endings that leave it open for another novel, a part two if you will.
How would you know the ending won't be happy? I read The Road recently. It's a pretty bleak book and just to avoid having the end make feel bad [and that's the last thing I wanted], I had to flip to the last page to see who the survivors were. The good thing about doing that is that since you don't know the characters, you don't feel anything even if you learn that they're dead or something bad happened to them.
That's a good question, you don't know. The best you can do is see where the book is categorized, is it under drama? Then there's a good chance of a sad ending. Funny that you mention The Road. There's a movie after that book, a movie that I knew it was good but I avoided watching because the trailers were bleak and the ending probably dramatic. But I watched it, and even if the ending was sad, it was sad in a way different from what I expected - it was setup in such a way that you knew that all that sadness brought something good - his kid will survive.
Endings don't have to be good or bad, they can allow the reader to imagine what would happen next and leave things in the air. Childrens' books are different and have to have happy endings because the child will need to understand why X died and you don't want to have to explain that. Thrillers, someone has to die, but not the hero and many books have sequels so a writer needs to keep the main characters alive.
I love stories and movies with happy endings. The worst thing that one can have is a book or a tv show with a bad ending that burns me up. I remember reading a book and I got to the end and it was like the worst ending ever. It just left you clueless on who was the key murder. It really took me awhile to read another book becasue I was like they gonna find out who the killer was. It not at all a so called happy ending but it would of been nice to not leave the person lost.
I like reading stories with happy endings. They are very beautiful stories and it makes me really peaceful to read such books. When I read a book which does not have a very good ending, then I feel very disturbed and do not enjoy the book completely. I would love it if every book in the world had a very good ending. However, I am very well-aware that not all endings are happy endings and there need to be balance between all kinds of endings. However, whenever I read books of happy ending it is very relaxing and beautiful.
I like all kinds of endings. If a happy ending (everyone is fine and dandy) finishes the story well, then I am okay with a happy ending. If the story is bleak and not about the ending but the journey, I don't mind a sad or so-so ending. I want the ending to fit the book and its genre. Have some books ended a different way than what I wanted? Of course. Then I usually yell and throw the book, but then I take time to think about the ending and the lessons from the story. I don't like it when an author writes a sad plot and then in the last 2 paragraphs, she wraps it all up in a happy ending. Life does not work that way.
Depends. If the story is good enough then yeah I don't mind if the movie has a good ending. But sometimes I prefer some sick twisted ending specially when the movie turns into the same generic expected movie.
Yeah I tend to like happy endings more but it depends on the story really. If it's a tragic sorry I would want the characters to have a happy ending but if it's some artsy cool movie then I 'd probably prefer some twist ending.
It's funny because I love disaster movies where everybody dies, however for books I don't like it when the protagonists die. I tend to go for books with a little bit of romance at least, even if it's a suspense or historical book. I just love to read romances, and I Love romances with a happy ending. I just over all like books with a happy ending.
I don't like stories that are predictable. For me a good story has to be a mystery until the end. Whether it has a good or bad ending is incidental to me, as long as the plot made me think on deeper levels or intrigued me in some other way. Recently I watched a movie called "The two faces of January", and really liked the ending, as it can neither be described as happy or unhappy. It is, what I would describe as, an honourable ending.
I like happy endings for the most part, but I do rate books with a bad ending a bit higher in my mind. Writing the end to a story is one of the most challenging things in writing, there's just so many factors and it's hard to come up with a satisfying end. That's why a lot of authors write a happy ending, it might not always be the best, but it's less of a risk, you might anger many readers if the characters they spent so much time reading about have a sad ending. That's why I rate books with a bad ending higher, it's a huge risk that may alienate the reader base, so it takes a great amount of writing skill to pull it off.
Yes, I prefer movies to have a happy ending. Real life is brutal enough so I hate movies where evil wins out and everybody dies. It also sucks when someone survives the first movie and then dies in the sequel. I can deal with a dark/uncertain ending only with certain types of artistic movies like Pan's Labyrinth.
I can't imagine someone investing on reading a book and not want to see a happy ending from it. Of course I'm all for happy ending, who doesn't right? But of course, i think it would depend on the story as well, some protagonists needs to be killed in order to give justice or meaning to the story and i totally understand that and can deal with that but i ideally, i really prefer happy endings so i really refrain reading stories with sad endings.
Honestly, yes. I do not like it when the ending of the book is too tragic. I make a certain attachment with books, and if it ends up being too tragic, I really feel sad. This is the reason why I do not read Nicholas Sparks' books. They are always too sad with someone always dying at the end.
I like happy endings for the most part, but I also don't mind a more truthful or sad ending as long as the movie is well made and the story leading up to it justifies it enough. The only thing I don't like abut sad endings is that it leaves you with sad thoughts and a sort of down feeling, but once in a while it is good to experience those as well.
I prefer stories with a happy ending or where the protagonist isn't killed at the end. However, I also have an affinity for stories without the happy ending. I tend to gravitate more in the direction of novels with a realistic feel to everyday human life. Sometimes, it ends good and other times there is no happy or sad ending but simply grey. It depends on the book and the author's ability to bring the story to life and keep my attention from beginning to end.
What's more important to me is that the ending is somewhat still a surprise when I get to the end of the book. If I can predict how the book ends in the first 20 pages, then I don't consider it a good book. So whether that be a happy ending, twist ending, sad ending, etc, I just want to have the incentive to keep reading to find out what happens. That suspense is a big reason why I love reading so much.