Do you think it automatically means a better product? Which reviews do you trust? Well, obviously most good ones would come from major PC magazines and websites. However, though, do you feel they could be biased due to advertising. I mean, one magazine, Consumer Reports, at least doesn't allow ads, so as to not be biased - but is that misleading?
I remember the time when they said Avira is the best. All it did is to slow down my computer and accused the games installed on my PC as virus. Then there is Kaspersky, That Anti-virus use to be so popular until the controversial incident where it got hacked. I am sticking with 360 security. It is a one stop shop as it is an anti-virus, anti-malware and junk file cleaner in 1 software.
@Beast_Titan Avira was at one time notorious for reporting false positives, I'm not sure if they changed it Anyway, I don't even use anti virus software on my PC anymore. I've used both Avira and Avast, and like the user above said all they did was slow down my PC without ever detecting anything ( it could be that my PC never did get infected with anything, but either way it was pointless using them ). Norton and Kaspersky are both absolutely terrible, they WILL slow down any PC. I've seen a couple of sites recommend Bitdefender, so that is what I would use if I had to.
I really do, in as much as I trust other reviews. I do not just take one and try to read as many and get the opinion of people that covers a range, but that is not always possible.
We can't really trust the reviews from single individuals or parties. We have to do thorough research about specific antivirus software before trying them out. The main challenge here is the the reviews may be generated by the owners, who will abviously give dishonest reviews.
I don't have any trust anymore. I have read so many reviews especially their good services may offer to the user. They are excellent. But what is the sad this, the virus still exists. It doesn't remove from the computer, besides new viruses are mushrooming. It seems that those anti-virus program is another form of lucrative business. So what I did, just to avail of those free anti-virus remover.
The best reviews you can trust are the ones that are nice and detailed that have at least a 4 star rating. You are right to feel a bit unsure of any bias that may be involved within these software. They could just be after your money, I would try to check reviews on various sites and online reviews just to be sure to see if it is worth the money or not.
Not sure if I trust reviews, mainly because I ran into an incident where switching my anti-virus from a high rated one to another high rated one stopped a major problem I was having