Although I would love to use olive oil for frying especially when frying french fries, I just find them too expensive and so too precious to be used in high amounts, like in deep frying. I use vegetable oil instead. I only use it when what I am cooking only requires a spoonful amount of oil. You, where and when do you use olive oil?
I use olive oil for just about everything, including deep frying. If I am frying up vegetables I use a light olive oil because I have found it has a lighter flavor to it. The only problem with the light olive oil is that you have to keep an eye on it because it can burn easily when you're cooking. Olive oil is expensive, but I prefer the taste of it to vegetable oil.
I don't think I'd like it because I've grown accustomed to regular oil in my deep fried food. I also don't think olive oil is best for deep frying anyway, which I think has something to do with its heating point and also its consistency. Fortunately, I'm not all that fond of olive oil anyway, and much prefer the smell of deep fried french fries in regular oil than what I imagine the smell of deep frying in olive oil would be like. Still, I'm now curious and would probably be testing this out on a small batch of something in the future.
Olive oil is best if cold pressed and never heated. Some oils are better for frying but olive oil isn't one of them. Olive oil is considered a healthy oil but not when it has been used to fry food. While deep frying is not the best way to make a healthy meal, you are better off to look for an oil with a high smoke point. This means that the oil is less likely to burn when you are frying at the correct temperature. Some olive oil can be as low as 320F and some refined oils like peanut oil can be as high as 450F. These is a lot of variation but the key is to use the right oil for the task.
When you use olive oil to fry, it loses all of its good healthy properties. Making it hot does that. So no, I'll usually use olive oil on stuff like salads and soups and then I use canola oil to fry. I like canola oil and that is the only frying oil I use.
I have only used regular oil to cook my food, I have never tried using olive oil. I actually only know how to cook simple, fried foods, so I guess I will only cook using olive oil if I'm reading a cookbook that specifically asks me to use that kind of oil. And the expensive part is enough to not make me buy it unless it's really required, lol.
I mainly just cook with Canola oil these days. It can handle the higher temperatures and it has a slightly thinner viscosity then olive oil. I even like Canola oil in fresh stuff like pasta salads or in dressings, because of it's neutral taste and lighter mouth feel. I enjoy olive oil, but I try to mainly use it in raw preparations, rather than cook with it. Cooking does something to the olive oil itself, which makes it less healthy. I forget the specifics of what happens, but the information is readily available on Google.
I use oil if I'm deep frying something but if I'm just frying something up in the frying pan then I definitely prefer to use olive oil. I've always heard it's much healthier for you and I honestly think that it tastes better, it's much less.... oily for the lack of a better term
I use olive oil to fry up eggs. Usually I prefer to just simply put a tab of butter in the pan, but these days my pan has not been doing so well and really sticks unless you give it a thick coating so I prefer to just pour a bit of olive oil in. It makes some really greasy eggs but in my opinion it's much better than a bunch of little broken up pieces of the egg that happen because of sticking!
I've heard that olive oil fries are tasty but I prefer vegetable or canola oil for frying. Olive oil, like butter, can burn and scorch easily so I save those for simple eggs or sauteing. Maybe one day I will read (and memorize) the breakdown of which type of olive oil can be used for different cooking methods.
Olive oil isn't really good for high heat cooking. I use grapeseed extract oil. It handles high heat and has a lighter taste. It's flavor doesn't overpower the food like olive oil. I have read that macadamia nut oil is good for frying and has a buttery taste, but I am having a hard time find it locally.