I am a very new mommy and with me staying home with baby our family is currently running off of one income. As you all know diapers and baby supplies are costly and I was wondering what other mommies do to help reduce the cost of these items. We have a little bit of money in savings -- but when that runs out we will be living check to check and so I am doing research and trying to find out what the best methods for saving on these expenses might be. Thanks in advance!
HI, I am a mum of four on a tight budget. If possible, breastfeed as this will save you hundreds f pounds over the year. Buy stores own brands of nappies. They are just as good as the brand names, if not better. Buy baby equipment second-hand or in sales. There are two things you should always buy new though- car seats and matresses.
As well as breastfeeding. These days they have great reusable cloth nappies which will save you buying an endless supply of disposable nappies and will work out much cheaper. Also you can join mother clubs and magazines. I don't know what the alternatives are in your country so I haven't listed any but I am sure johnsons and pregnacare are universal. Once you join they will send you free samples and discount vouchers/money off coupons. Not of significant value but every little helps. Finally when I had my daughter I went to a wholesalers that specialises in baby products and I brought a lot of items such as vests, mittens, booties, bibs hats and so forth, mainly stuff I went through frequently in bulk and it worked out a hell of a lot cheaper. Than if I had bought the items individually.
Thank you both so much for this advice. I am always looking for new ways to send money. I am constantly online looking for coupons and samples as well as ways to avoid purchasing certain items by making alternative versions at home. I will do anything I can to keep the family finances under control -- it's hard sometimes on one income - but it is worth it to be able to stay home with my daughter.