This made me realize that I am not using much of checks anymore. Where before I write checks to pay the bills - one check for each particular bill to pay - now I have been using online payments for electricity, water and utilities. Even our cable tv subscription and internet connection is paid via online. So I guess the check will now vanish little by little.
The main thing I pay with checks is my rent. I rarely use them for anything else, but will occasionally write one for a utility. I am having the dilemma where I will soon be running out of checks, so am debating on where to order more. At the most I will order one package, but I wasn't aware it was possible to order just one book. I think I would still probably order 2, just in case, since I don't know how much longer I'll need to be writing them, and would prefer not to have to do another order for a long time, assuming I ever had to.
Yes. I write checks to pay for bills. I used to not write checks because where I came from, they're not used that often. Ever since I got here in the US, it seems to be commonly used.
Ask your bank if they print temp checks or counter checks. I get a sheet of four at my bank. Sometimes they charge, but every so often they'll even give me a sheet of them, since I don't use them very often. I do like to keep at least a couple on hand, because you never know. I do use them sometimes for one utility bill, since the company is a dinosaur that isn't set up to allow you to use a card or pay online or over the phone. If I don't have time or don't think to stop for cash, I use a check there.
I do write checks every so often. I write them to my nephews for birthday presents. I also wrote one at the grocery store when I couldn't find my bank card. They do come in handy every once in awhile and they are free from my bank so why not? I tend to misplace cards from time to time, and a check is a good back up method of payment.
We pay by check only. We would prefer this way of payment for there is always a receipt. We don't like any other form because of too much problems of fraud and stealing going on today. We pay by check only so we have a visual account of what's going on with our accounts too. Checks only please.