Some adverts are too long which make viewers to fall off tangent due to limited attention span. The main message is lost in the narrative. Short advertisements in my opinion excel because they concentrate on the main message and hit the nail on the head. Brevity also makes them more catchy especially with a background tune.
The only thing that gets my attention on ads are the songs that are played along the ads. Lengthy and boring ads makes me change channels while I don't mind watching the short ones. The only thing that makes the ads have an effect on me is the need to have the mentioned product. I will simply not buy stuff just cause they are being advertised, I buy because I need them.
Based on my observation, ads are more effective not due to the length of exposure but because of the frequency. When an ad is shown on TV every day, the viewer tends to be more affected. It is like hypnotherapy where the product is suggested to the viewer time and time again until the viewer succumbs to the advertisement.
On the contrary, I find repeated telecast of same advert so disgusting that sometimes I make a promise to myself that I will never buy that particular product. I was watching a crucial cricket match and in between the overs (an over is of hardly 3 minutes duration) a 15 second advert of a particular toothpaste felt so boring that it lost its importance. I watched that ad for more than 100+ times (a 50-50 cricket match of 100 overs)
I don't agree that length of an advert could makes it have a lasting impression I guess many people do not really have the time watching a lengthy adverts and could easily be bored out. It will be cool to make it short and frequently broadcasted. Personally I like an advert that is snappy, striking and direct to the message. One that should take few seconds to understand what message is being conveyed.
I think that the length of the advert depends above all on how much the advertiser can pay because in theory, the longer, the bigger the exposition of the target. Most of the adverts we see are cut versions of the full version, at the same time, if we are not attracted to some advert, that just might mean we are not being targeted by it. Advertising is something really complex, it's a science these days, a science to make the companies have a return on their investment.
I think it really depends on how well done the advertisements is. If it is detailed in an interesting way that makes you want to learn more, it can be a bit more lengthy. They can get away with more if it sparks your interest. If it's boring, annoying, or repetitive then making it longer isn't going to make it better. I tend to pay the most attention to ads that offer me good deals. That's what I'm about. Don't try to con me with flowery speeches, just give me the bottom line. What's the best deal available on the product?
I agree with this and that an advert certainly grab your attention if you find it interesting but the adverts these days are out of contest. They mostly target a certain group of people and go over the head of commoner in general. Maybe they know their job and targeted groups but as a marketing professional I don't think that particular watches these ads as many times as they show them.
I like ads which are witty and crisp. There're ads which come with a message, and their taglines are really nice. I like those kind of ads as well. Ads are a kind of short preludes. You've to tell everything in a minute or so. people should not feel bored so has to be the content. Short and fresh thus would always be the people's choice.
I think that's pretty much how everyone sees it. If I see some being advertised that I consume and it's offering a promotion, it will get my full attention. On the other hand, if it's something I am not needing, I might watch it because the add is good, but I am not buying it simply because it's something I don't need.
I prefer short ads that get to the point. If they are too long lets say more than 30 seconds I will skip. I like ads that come with a good song or beat to it. I will also keep watching if the ad is weird just to know how it will end, this is just curiousity.
Yep, that's what I mean by capturing your interest. The length isn't the first thing that I notice. If it's something weird/unusual, fun, cool, witty, funny, cute, etc. or has a good song, gorgeous scenery, or something, I might pay attention. It's got to be interesting enough to keep me from wanting to walk away to do something else during the commercial. Commercial time is usually reserved for grabbing a drink, doing small chores, and other stuff. If I would rather go do some chores than stay to watch your commercial, you're doing it wrong.
I agree, I hate long advertisements because most of the time I forget what the whole ad is even about. Ads that get straight to the point and are interesting are the best. The only time I want to see a long advertisement is when the Super Bowl is on lol.
It depends on what they are pointing at. The main point of ads is to give point to ideas and to gather audiences. Some adverts can be boring and cost much, so most of the time, the advertisers cut the ads.
The longest ads that I have seen are on Youtube. Sometimes I skip on them, but other times I get curious and watch them in it's entirety. I agree that the shorter and more to-the-point the ad is, the more likely it will catch the attention of the viewer and it would retain the product on their minds. I remember being bored with those long ads, and it made me say in my mind, "Is this gonna take long?", and it made me skip the ad or change the channel.
If we are on youtube we are there to waste time, so if the ad is interesting we will watch like if it's a movie. An ad has to be excellent to last more than 5-10 seconds, it's not justifiable the amount paid on TV to have an ad longer than that, there is no return in such an investment.
Whether or not the length is effective depends on who is being targeted. For instance, long ads seen late at night are effective to sell viagra, but not insurance. On the other hand, insurance companies often use short funny ads that often have nothing to do with the subject. The main goal is simply to get eyeballs on the ad.
I think that a great advert involves a short and to the point scene. It needs some catchy tune, nice ambiance, and likable characters. I take the JG Wentworth commercials as an example. They're entertaining, fairly short, and catchy.
No (I think), It is best finished with a symbol, a getting slogan, a huge jingle, and cleverness, with the symbol and the brand entwined. On the off chance that you don't recollect the item or administration, the advertisement is a disappointment. The promotion ought to address a need, show how the item or administration addresses the issue, and do it in a convincing, important manner, with a gadget known as a snare.
You are correct for there is a big impact on brief TV adverts. The main and significant features on the said products are forcibly stressed to get the attention of the TV viewers. Besides, short ads are less funded for the advertisers to save money.