There are literally thousands of companies on the net which claim they'll offer you a payday loan regardless of your credit score/credit history. Sounds too good to be true? It probably is. Once you make an application for a loan it gets approved instantly but they tell you that an insurance fee must be paid upfront. It could be a small fee of $20-$50 bucks. The moment you pay that insurance 'fee' the company reps disappear. Your emails will never be answered and your money will be lost as well. If you need a loan the best place to get is from your bank. While getting a loan online might seem easier, you stand to lose much.
I also have come across to many sites online that offer an easy loan which I will never trust at all. I'm afraid enough to get a loan from a local bank let alone companies online which I never heard of. Most of these sites provide false reviews on their pages too which can lure people so easily and apply loan from them. One question we must always ask ourselves is, how come these companies are brave enough to lend money to people they don't even meet face to face?
It's as the saying goes — when the deal is too good . . . but though that bit is obvious someone wades right into trouble. It seems like most people simply walk into this trap because the scammers are really good at what they do or maybe it just because some people are relatively new to the net and don't know that 'wolves' lurk around ready to drag down any easy prey they can find.