Don't Walkers Deserve More?

Discussion in Charitable Causes started by mythman • Apr 5, 2014.

  1. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Maybe this comes from 'living on the edge of one OKC-suburb, which is actually closer to the center of another OKC-suburb' (so both "cities" can deny responsibility for my safety ... or something), but I get the feeling that we pedestrians (Walkers without automobiles) don't get the respect we deserve.

    Granted, most pedestrians ARE children; so we're kinda lumped into the 'immature'-stereotype. That hurts, because--when I notice a busted crosswalk-button at the intersection near my place & go into the store on the corner I cross-to & ask them to report it to the 'city's' traffic-authority--I come in the next week & it's STILL broken! :mad::mad:

    I bet if SOMEBODY shot-out the traffic-lights, the city would 'swoop in' & replace the lights before the day was out (maybe even that hour)! :mad:


    One way pedestrians might get 'paid off'--I don't know this for sure, it might be a 'gentlemen's charity'-thing the restaurants & stores do for you if they know you--we might be exempt from sales-tax ... I don't want this to "get out," don't wanna have people driving in & claiming pedestrian-status coz they walked in from the parking-lot :rolleyes:

    Maybe pedestrians should be issued 'tax-exempt CARDS.' Sound right?
  2. Rusky


    Apr 8, 2014
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    Hold on a minute. I may be getting you wrong here, but you want to be allowed to pay less money for your products, simply because you walk more than you use other means of transport? Why? Why would any government give you that right, unless they were really kicking off about how many cars are on their roads?

    Secondly, you know why the traffic lights are fixed so quickly? Because if you don't fix them, no one knows when to stop or go, and then people die! Instead of complaining to your local shop and asking them to get it repaired, and then complaining that it isn't done, why don't you talk to your local authority yourself!?
  3. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    No, I don't want to pay less for the products. I want to pay the product's price, BUT NO SALES TAX. Why? Because the government has stolen my footpaths, cementing them down & infecting them with the fire-box behemoth!

    I thought that 'requiring a license to operate those machines' meant that the operators had to be NOT STUPID, but you're telling me that the licensed ones are EXPECTED to be Stupid (while the unlicensed are able to USE their minds)? And after that, you don't see why pedestrians should go tax-free? You must be a Driver :D

    Because I usually don't have a big-enough stake in it to do that. (I know; I'm the one walking, but I'm not GETTING PAID to make foot-traffic friendlier! The people at the shops & restaurants: if THEY make foot-traffic easier, more kids with money can get to them.)