When I first tried Dove chocolate I fell in love! It is the best chocolate in the world. It is so silky and creamy and has such a better taste than hershey. I am actually sitting here eating some right now It is a little but more expensive, but worth it. If you are wondering what to get your girlfriend for Valentines Day get her Dove!
I prefer Dove as well. I may be spoiled by all of the expensive European chocolate I eat but Hershey's chocolate is terrible. It is the worst chocolate ever. I'm normally not picky when it comes to chocolate, but it's so sweet and sometimes tastes almost sour. I don't like Hershey kisses or their chocolate bars. I am dove all the way. It has better texture, flavor, and smell. If you're willing to pay even a little bit more for good chocolate I would recommend Milka or Lindt. I have tried tons of different brands of chocolate but those are my favorite!
I wholeheartedly agree that Hershey's is the absolute worst chocolate ever! I feel like the original bars where you can break off little squares one at a time taste "grainy" and bitter. I love Dove and Lindt, but I think my all-time favorite is Cadbury with the little caramel pockets.
Dove beats Hershey's any day in my opinion. It's so smooth and the dark chocolate doesn't have the bad aftertaste I get from Hershey's special dark. I got a Dove chocolate bunny for Easter and it was delicious. It did not take me nearly long enough to eat all that.
There were several years where I wouldn't try Doves. I refused to eat any dark chocolate... Particularly Hershey's. Then one day, a resident at the assissted living community I worked at offered me a piece of Dove's. I never looked back after that.
I don't like commercial brand chocolates, no matter how mouth watering they might look or even taste. For me there are too many dubious ingredients contained in commercial chocolate. I am not just talking about all the artificial sugars and other additives and preservatives, but also the GMO's that big multi-national companies tend to use to allegedly "improve" their products.
What a choice! Out of the two it is Dove without a doubt, but only the plain chocolate one. The plain one is edible while Hersheys isn't. I really don't know how people can eat it. Once you've tasted good chocolate you can never eat Hershey's even if you are desperate.
So true, I can barely stomach Hershey’s since I started eating Dove chocolate. Plus the higher price point on Dove makes me want to make it last as long as possible, haha. Sometimes there’s nothing like a bag of dark chocolate Dove Promises, I could go for one right now.
I recently read a book about the candy industry in the US, and one inventor of a luxury candy bar said that Hershey's chocolate is inferior chocolate with a sour milk under taste. Now that I read what a gourmet chocolatier thinks of Hershey's , I can't pass Hershey's in the store without thinking of sour milk. He compared it to baby vomit too. I like the Ferrero Rocher chocolates as well as Dove and Lindor. I know there are more expensive chocolates but I'm too frugal to go to those specialized chocolate shops like Godiva or Kron.
I am a Hershey's girl. I think it is sweeter than Dove's and I like that extra kick. I have a bag of Hershey kisses in my fridge right now. I had 3 of them today. Is it my favorite chocolate in the entire world? Probably not. There are some expensive chocolates out there that are probably better but the key word is "expensive".
I agree that Dove is way better than Hershey's. It's comparable to Swiss Milk Chocolate. If you are looking for a better price on chocolate like that, Trader Joe's has this Milk Chocolate that is really good. Very creamy and silky. I have stopped buying Hershey's all together, I don't think it's worth buying regardless of the price.
I so wish Americans could experience British chocolate and not have to endure either Dove or Hershey's. Dove is okay, but in the UK it would barely pass as chocolate. With the ban on certain exports of British chocolate, all it says is that people don't like US chocolate and it's one of the tragedies of living in the US. Whenever I go over, I always take chocolate with me as the US, even Kit Kats are not in the same league.
I don’t eat chocolate much any more. But, I always liked Dove dark chocolate. It has the perfect flavor and texture. Those little quarter size bites are perfect for snacking. Now I want some chocolate!
That's a tough one. I love how when you eat a Hershey bar, it almost melts in your mouth and is so smooth and rich. And when you eat a piece of Dove chocolate, it's much harder than a Hershey's bar, but it's also better for snacking. You can sit there and eat one piece of chocolate in the time it takes you to eat a whole Hershey's bar. I think taste wise, Hershey's is my all time favorite, though!!
I can't pick both? Seriously, I love both brands, and they both make some darn good chocolate. Just depends on my mood as to which I'll eat on a given day. Can't go wrong either way really. If I had to choose one brand to go with, it'd probably be Dove, though.