This doesn't necessarily mean starving yourself. If you can cut out just a little of the food you eat per day, not only will you cease to worry about losing excess pounds but in time your body will get used to the new rations and you'll find that no matter how little you eat, you won't feel hungry after your meal. In any case you could always drink a few glasses of water to fill up any space you feel needed to be filled
That is not healthy. You can not cheat your body like that. There is a difference between losing weight the healthy way, and starving yourself. My doctor told be that skipping meals will only slow down your metabolism, and make it harder for you to lose weight. The only way to lose weight by eating less is to starve yourself. The only healthy way to lose weight is to have a steady diet, and burn more calories than you take in.
This probably only applies to a few people who are overweight and eat too much. But for people who take care of themselves this is not a sensible option. I would never recommend anyone skipping meals or eating less. If I do that, I start shaking and feel faint as my blood sugar level drops. So I wouldn't let anyone do this. Your health is more important than saving a few £$'s
I'm willing to eat cheaper food in order to save money but I'm not willing to eat less. I know that life can be hard and cuts have to be made when money is tight but food is one of those things that I spend money on no matter what. We all need some of the little pleasures of life and eating is one of the more accessible ones, why mess with it? Not to mention that doing this can damage your health.
I think this can work in some ways. Many people would be surprised to know that they DO overeat. You don't need to gorge yourself at dinner time or even eat a huge plate of food. In many cases, your portions are probably wrong. Once you cut down a little bit for a few days or a week, your body is used to it and no longer needs the extra food. So, yes this could work. I don't think you should starve yourself. But cutting a little bit from your dinner for example, could work.