Do you have experiences about eBay scammers? Both sellers and buyers can scam people there.. Once I never received an item so I sent a message to the seller about it. He didn't want to refund my money, but promised to send a replacing item to me. Well, that replacing item never came so I highly doubt the seller sent that - basically he took my money and ebay could do nothing as it had been over 45 days since the payment. I think it's pretty rare for two exactly same items from the same seller to get lost.
This is why before I deal with anyone on ebay I find out what their rating is and what previous customers have said about them. This can be difficult if the seller is new out there, having been a seller myself, I have found that its best to let the customer know just what your policies are in your auction. For example what payment method you will accept, if you will refund or exchange products. If the seller has no ratings or feedback and not telling you any of their policies then maybe its not a good idea to deal with them. Like you I learned this the hard way believe me, so that's why I am now cautious when it comes to dealing with those our on ebay and even Amazon. These are great online places but you have to know who your dealing with.
That's why if i don't get my package when they say i will i give it a day more than i will write the seller if they aren't helpful i contact ebay they tried the same thing with me once but it didn't work i got my money back you just have to be careful with buying from ebay you have to look at their feedback, reviews and ratings and see others who brought from the seller so you make sure you don't get scammed.
Although I have not personally been scammed on Ebay, I know of someone who was. He purchased some coins, and the seller claimed he never received the payment. This particular seller has also scammed two other people with his coins.
I think it is ridiculous that Ebay "can't do anything" after a certain amount of time. They are aware of scammers, and REFUSE to do anything after a set amount of days. So that person, buyer or seller, is still out there scamming more people, while Ebay looks the other way. They "encourage you to work it out" then miraculously your time for them to provide their customer with service is up, so they won't help you. I have a pretty low opinion of Ebay as they don't really help their customers.
Sorry to hear about your loss but you should have contacted ebay when you didn't receive your product. When you agreed to get a replacement product, basically you gave the seller time to bypass the ebay rules. ebay is pretty strict as far as product delivery is concerned but they can't do much when you make a complain 45 days after the payment.
It is too bad that this happened to you. I have been lucky not have had any problems with eBay thus far. One thing that I do is always pay using my PayPal account. This way, I have a second way to resolve any disputes. I set it up with a separate bank account that only has a small balance. That way if my account does ever get hacked into, they won't get much. If I need to make an expensive purchase, I add only what I need to that account to make it.
It's obvious you were scammed. You should have reported the problem sooner and eBay would have been able to provide buyer protection. You should go about obtaining a refund through eBay, they will sort it out for you, in case this happens again in the future.
I've bought from Top Rated Sellers and from sellers with very few reputation and never got scammed. I sometimes didn't receive what I ordered, but I blame by post office for that. In all those cases, eBay's buyer protection helped a lot.
I have never been scammed by a seller from Ebay, maybe because I look at the feedback of the seller first before I buy anything. But if there were some or lots of negative feedback but there were more positive feedback than negative feedback, then I will take a chance in buying from that seller, especially if the item less than $15.
I bought some clip in hair pieces, I even emailed the seller about the items before I bought them. She responded so quickly to every question about the item before I bought it , after I bought it, I didn't hear from that women. She sent me a fake tracking number and marked it as shipped. She wouldn't respond to my messages, finally I tooked out a dispute on her almost 2 weeks later. She would not respond. They just gave me my money. She eventually apologized, saying she had family problems.
I honestly think Ebay is really secure. I've heard of Ebay scammers, but never really experienced any. I try to buy from trusted buyers. I'm not a once-a-month shopper either, I use Ebay quite frequently, to be honest.
Ebay is really very secure in terms of transactions..never heard of any sort of scams whatsoever..i guess it is the safest of all the online websites to shop from.
You need to be wary on clothes forums. One of the most popular clothing forums had a few scammers selling very expensive clothes, taking the money and not sending the item described. If it looks too good to be true it probably is.
But this is just like anything else in life, you should check your things before making decisions. I never bought anything from someone who had their ratings below 98% positive, even if they had killer deals, i rather spent some extra bucks making sure i don't end up with a scam on my hands.
I agree with this quote totally. I was also very skeptical of ordering anything from ebay based on the stories that I've heard about them. But I was then told my someone to ensure that a seller has a good rating or feedback. He didn't tell me anything about checking their policies though, so he probably forgot to mention that point. So, I will definitely bear these pointers in mind before shopping for anything on ebay.
As a seller you need to make sure you send your item by recorded delivery or you will not win a case if the buyer claims the parcel has not been received. I'm amazed by the amount of sellers who send their parcels by standard delivery.
A common scam for phones, electronics etc. is to send an item with lower specs than the ones described. For example you order a tablet with 8GB memory, and you get one with 2GB memory. For these cases ebay allows you to open a "significantly not as described" dispute, and so does Paypal. Basically this says I paid for one thing and got another. You'll need photos of the item to prove it. In the tablet case, you need a photo of the tablet screen showing it has only 2GB.
I once bought 3 Yu-Gi-Oh cards on eBay that were supposed to be the best cards in the game at one point. I paid upwards of 75 dollars for all three cards and was very excited to receive the cards and incorporate them into my decks. When I opened up the package, I saw computer print outs of the three cards I had paid so much money for. The seller did not even attempt to make them look real, just taped the two sides of the card together and threw it into a box. I tried to contact the seller via eBay and there was no response. Ultimately had to contact eBay and I got a refund after showing them what the seller had sent to me! Buyers BEWARE!