I saw on television just now about the Eco Green Pan. I love the concept of it! Every day I scrub our pans more than once for every meal. I need something that doesn't stick and is an easy wash. Has anyone gotten the Eco Green Pan? Does it work?
If your referring to the Ogrenic pan the answer is yes it does work. Yes, there are instructions that have to be followed when you first get the pan so that it will work effectively but I can tell you once you do this, it lives up to its claims. I have never had a pan that was so easy to clean and maintain. Its also a joy to cook with, because as they say in the commercial nothing stick to it. Now if this isn't the Orgrenic but a pan similar to it odds are it will also work just as well. But I can highly recommend the Orgrenic pan, because I know from personal experience that this pan is quite easy to maintain.
Thanks for clarifying that. I have heard a lot of people complaining about this pan, but I imagine that they didn't prepare it properly. The devil is in the details after all.
Why does nothing stick to the pan? What kind of coating does it have? I recently purchased a cast iron pan and I have been having issues with sticking. It is a big pan and it only cost 25, quite cheap for cast iron. I'll have to look into this Ogrenic pan.
I tried an earlier set of "green" pans and was disappointed with them personally. These weren't the pans on the market now that are physically green in color, but "green" as in safe for the environment, organic, etc. I've seen the newer green pans in the store and they appear to be made of the same materials - but I'm not 100% sure of that. The issue I had with them was that they worked fine at first, but then after a relatively short amount of time started to loose their non-stick properties. They didn't flake off or anything like Teflon, I just started needing to use more and more oil in them to keep stuff from sticking. After a while food stuck to them just like a stainless steel pan.