Since we have chickens, we rarely have to buy any eggs. One thing I've noticed is that the eggs from our family's chickens have very dark yolks, they are actually orange, and they have so much more flavor than store bought eggs. I think it is because of the nutrition these chickens are getting that the egg farm chickens are not getting. Our chickens get to run around in the yard and eat worms and grubs as much as they want in addition to their feed. I would encourage anyone with the means to have their own chickens to do so because the eggs are so much better.
I agree. I don't eat any animal products these days, but when I did, I bought my eggs from locals. Factory chickens are beaten and sick and filthy.. cages or no cages, people are fooling themselves if they think things are any more humane because they're "free range". It's a disgusting, horrific industry. Good luck finding nutritional value in them.
I'm not surprised the eggs are superior. Happy chickens make happy eggs in my opinion. A nearby farm sells their own eggs and they are much better too - the chickens just run around in a field all day. You can even see the chickens yourself and they look so much happier when they are running free rather than stuck in some cage trampling around in excrement all day.
Yes you really can tell whether the eggs come from a local farm or the supermarket. Locally farmed eggs have more orange yolks than their store bought counterparts. I wonder why that is though? I just don't want to speculate yet whether it's more nutritious or not, but I suppose it could be possible.
I've been on a few local poultry farms and all the hens ever get is store bought pet food and vitamins. Eggs you'll buy on these farms won't be much better than those you'd get at any store. From experience I know though that hens which roam free as the OP points out produce eggs which are more nutritious . . . and tastier.
Many grocery store eggs say "cage free" or "free range" yet all that means is they allow them to walk freely.. all over each other, through their excrement (which is healthfully in their diet and lungs), broken, filthy, sick, dying. I don't know about you, but that doesn't sound like an egg I'd eat lol. Small farm or backyard set up, fine.. factory farm, heck no. It's all word play..
As a kid I grew up with a massive garden and we kept chickens there for a while. From memory, the taste of the eggs certainly were good. Then again, part of the appeal was being able to pick the egg and then be able to cook it, so I don't really know whether they did actually taste better.
I would really love to have my own chickens but I'm terrified about what I can do with them in the winter. Which makes me want to ask this I'll do
Thanks for your opinion. I am agree with your opinion. I am also like Egg but prefer Local chicken egg but not any egg of farm chickens.
I think the same goes for chicken meat. The better their nutrition the better they taste. I think they'd be healthier for you also. Chickens that are caged get generic food and conditions. They cannot move around or anything. I think even free range chickens have better quality than the ones cooped up.
Free range chickens are the tastiest. Where I live cage-raised chickens are very cheap because the farmers know they aren't "tasty." Sure you'd save some cash but most people her prefer quality. A free range chicken could cost twice as much as cage-raised chickens. That's probably the reason why many farmers here raise some poultry. It's cheaper.