
Discussion in Food & Drink started by Denis Hard • Dec 4, 2015.

  1. Denis Hard

    Denis HardWell-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2013
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    For someone who wants to save money by buying less meat, then eggs could get you all the protein you need. But there's one thing I read somewhere. Don't know if it's true or not. Eating more than 3 eggs a day according to the article I read could be bad for you because they contain lot of saturated fat and cholesterol.

    And there's also this:

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    Do you think that replacing meat with eggs instead of helping you save money would cause you more problems that would cost a lot more to treat?
  2. sidney

    sidneyWell-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
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    I have heard that info too about eggs, and I believe it, because anything that's excessive can be bad for you. I think if you wanna save money then there are many cheap food alternatives out there, like oats, bread, canned goods, hotdogs, etc. No need to stock up on eggs because there are a lot of cheap alternatives.
  3. Theo

    TheoWell-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2014
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    Eggs are a good source of protein, but most people won't eat three a day unless it's in three egg omelet. They used to say an egg a day was fine, but I think these days as long as your cholesterol is not high, eggs are fine. Don't forget they they are in things we eat like cookies and cakes too.

    Boiled eggs, followed by poached are the healthiest ways to eat eggs. I do like a fried egg and that is the least healthy way to cook it, but it tastes good.
  4. Ke Gordon

    Ke GordonWell-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    I think that most people who know about nutrition know that eggs are not nearly as bad in terms of raising cholesterols as are the trans fats that are still found in many baked gods and overly processed foods. In fact, i know someone who eats like a dozen eggs per week and has normal cholesterol, so if other wise your diet is healthy, I don/;t think a few eggs is anything to be concerned about.
  5. gata montes

    gata montesActive Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    As protein requirements can just as easily be met by eating plant based proteins - such as vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, seeds and legumes - many of which contain not just protein but complete proteins and the only real difference between plant based proteins and animal proteins - is that animal proteins are generally extremely high in cholesterol and saturated fat - compared to plant based proteins which are quite the opposite - as they're generally lower in cholesterol and saturated fat.

    Rather than switch from meat to eggs in order to save money - the better option would be to incorporate more plant based proteins into the diet - as not only would the monetary savings be far greater - as the majority of plant based proteins are extremely inexpensive - but way, way healthier too - particularly considering the fact - that high cholesterol levels are still a major risk factor - strongly associated with heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular events in people of all ages.

    That said - although as with all things moderation is the key and bearing in mind - that absolutely no one regardless of age or weight is immune from having high cholesterol - particularly as cholesterol is made by our bodies as well as absorbed from other foods and not just eggs and therefore can - as high cholesterol itself shows no symptoms at all - build up in the blood increasing the of risk of heart related disease without being noticed until its too late and is therefore - an issue never to be complacent about.

    The current medical guidelines regarding egg consumption - updated in May this year - are

    As recent research has shown - that eating 1 egg per day does not increase the risk of heart disease in normally healthy people - I egg per day is generally considered to be the better option.

    It is however - not the case for people suffering with diabetes and heart related diseases - as for them - egg consumption should be limited to no more than three yolks per week.

    all of which can be fully verified in easy to read non medical terminology here

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  6. ohiotom76

    ohiotom76Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
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    They made a good point in the article that perhaps needs to be explored further - what other foods are those who eat a lot of eggs also consuming, which could as well be contributing to these conditions? Perhaps they are pairing those eggs with lots of butter, sausage gravy, sausages, and of course the whole bacon craze - not to mention lots of cheese. In other words it may not be the eggs themselves.

    You can easily cut down on your egg consumption but still enjoy them daily for breakfast imo. There is no need for three eggs when making an omelette. You can make a perfectly fine omelette with just two eggs in a 10 or 12 inch pan, with some light cooking spray and by placing a lid on the pan allowing the omelette to steam without ripping it. Heck, you could even make a one egg omelette in an 8 inch pan with a lid. Just fill them with healthier ingredients such as fresh and sauteed vegetables, cut the amount of cheese down to a third, and stick with leaner meats such as low fat turkey sausage or turkey bacon.

    Similarly, you could make egg burritos with just one egg if you bulk up on the veggies as a replacement.

    Frying eggs with cooking spray isn't really any more "bad" than poaching them since the fat amount is negligible. In fact in some ways you could argue it's better than poaching since you get more off the egg (instead of much of the egg whites remaining in the water).
  7. Corzhens

    CorzhensWell-Known Member

    May 27, 2015
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    There are far too many studies on eggs. In 1990, I remember when the egg producers here staged a protest march with the damaging articles that say eggs are bad because of the cholesterol. The department of health sided with the protesters who came out with an article about a study that the egg is one complete meal. So now the verdict here is that egg is good for us.
  8. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Scrambled eggs is probably my go to method of eating eggs. It tastes the best, but boiled eggs are also my favorite too. I never have poached eggs or anything like that, mostly because I don't know how to do them, despite the fact that it has been explained to me many times lol.
  9. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    There are far better sources of protein than animal sources and we do not need any added cholesterol. I used to love eggs, but I believe the science and I believe my body and I don't believe any animal suffering is worth a few minutes of taste.

    But that's just me.. sorry to get all vegany up in here lol
  10. Lushlala

    LushlalaWell-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    I've known for the longest time that eggs contain lot of saturated fat and are bad for cholesterol. So as with most things, I don't go OTT on them, as i believe everything is good in moderation. I would never have 3 in one sitting, the most I have is 2. I have had them over meat in the past and still do. For instance, if i'm eating eggs, I'll often pass on meat products. I love eggs and enjoy them in all sorts of ways LOL I like them fried, boiled and poached the most, but I still enjoy them whichever way they're prepared.
  11. purplepen88

    purplepen88Active Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I have often thought of having eggs to replace meat at supper. It would be inexpensive and easy to make supper. I have a friend who when she is just cooking for herself and her two kids makes scrambled eggs and bacon for supper. My kids love eggs and I could easily make omelettes, quiche or poached eggs and toast for supper. It is an inexpensive meal.
  12. Krissttina Isobe

    Krissttina IsobeWell-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2015
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    Eggs can be very expensive during warm months when chickens aren't laying as much eggs and they are much smaller too. Eggs are okay, but like Gata Montes stated there are a lot of other alternative for protein that is way cheaper like beans that's also much healthier for you.
  13. Esperahol

    EsperaholActive Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    A little knowledge is often worst than no knowledge - the fact of the matter is people love narratives. A good story that can be repeated ad nauseum is generally preferred to boring things like the truth. The truth is eggs do contain fats and some level of cholesterol - but that doesn't make them unhealthy. All fats are not created equal, and besides that... behavior only does so much in terms of health. Genetics play a much larger part - and if your genetic blueprint says your cholesterol set point is gonna be higher... then it's gonna be higher. Because the body produces 3x as much cholesterol a day then you will generally get from eating an egg.

    It has too - testosterone and estrogen require cholesterol to make as does the cell membranes of your billions of cells. But as with many body processes there are limiters in place. Not that it matters since recent data shows that overall eating cholesterol isn't gonna murder you in your sleep. Never exercising is much more likely to kill you. Which is great because eggs are an amazing source of antioxidants, vitamins, and protein - so long as you eat the yolks. On top of which egg yolks contain choline, lutein and zeaxanthin - choline is good for your brain and heart, lutein and zeaxanthin are good for your eyes. So maybe let grandpa have his dang eggs.

    But yeah sorry for the rant, but there is so much bad information out there being touted as "common sense".
  14. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    We can all find the science to back up how we feel about this.. not just stories. I followed the science that made sense to me (not that I think eating eggs now and then will kill anyone) and then made the change.. not vice versa,. We do what we want and that's that.
  15. DrRipley


    Mar 29, 2012
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    I'm no nutritionist so I couldn't really say anything for sure but I have heard that eggs are filled with cholesterol and some eggs are even more so like quail eggs I heard are worth 3 chicken eggs per quail egg in terms of cholesterol from what I heard. I never tried to confirm this information through research though but mostly only because I don't have that much trouble limiting my egg intake anyway since I'm not really that much of a fan in the first place. I think if you are looking for a substitute for meat in terms of proteins you are better off just going with the vegetarian alternatives like beans.