So you have been at risk of dying and no one else has taken their time to warn you. Studies have shown that mixing an energy drink with alcohol (whisky, rum e.t.c) can be quite dangerous to your body. The popular mix of rum and red bull and many other energy drinks is said to interfere with your cardiovascular activity to the point of making you susceptible to stroke and heart attacks. You have been warned Share this message
I wasn't warned about this and just last weekend I got really sick. I was drinking red bull and vodka and it took a toll on my body I stayed sick two days later i'm glad I know better now I just wish I hadn't had to learn the hard way.
I wonder how this differs much from just simply drinking rum & coke - which also contains caffeine. I know they took the caffeine out of a popular drink, Four Loco, because people were getting much drunker than they realized due to the high amount of stimulants in it. I've tried mixing Four Loco with rum instead of the usual cola, and I wouldn't recommend that at all. I got hammered pretty quickly.
Generally speaking the issue isn't stimulants - the issue is that the large amounts of sugar work to keep you from feeling the full effects of the alcohol you're consuming. Of course, the sugar eventually dissipates and then you get hit all at once with a massive load of alcohol - which may very well kill you.
Well of course it's not going to do you any well, it's caffeine in top of alcohol, of course it's going to hit you like a truck if you are not used to stuff like. But i know a friend that drinks stuff like that like it's water, so i guess it differs from person to person?
My friends were usually mixing this sometimes due to over stress but they still have projects/tasks in school to do. Now I know, thanks for the posts I'll warned them now.
Well, I hate the taste of alcohol, so I'm not really at risk, but then again, thanks for sharing, I might relay this info if I stumbled upon a person that mixes alcohol and energy drinks.
Does he drink it a lot? Is he or she a larger person? What is the hangover like? I mean the problem here is that as I said the buzz is held off so people feel okay having another drink and another drink and another drink not realizing that the BAC is rising something awful. Then the sugar wears off and all of a sudden they're moving underwater. If the BAC doesn't kill them their own alcohol-induced stupidity will.
Well, all that stuff taken SEPARATELY is bad for your heart too (if you have TOO MUCH of it). Where is the line between 'too much' and 'just enough'? It's just like with anything: your body builds up an 'immunity' to it. Take 'beer': I have one large mug a week, and I'm fine. Sometimes friends buy me bottles of it, and I graciously accept; about two bottles in, I'm 'starting to feel it.' If they buy for me weeks-&-weeks-in-a-row, it takes more-&-more bottles to get me to 'feel it.' If I haven't 'felt it' in a while, it only takes two-or-three extra to 'get me feeling it.' That's probably 'the line' I talked about (between 'too much' & 'just enough'). It's how fast your body's immunity 'handles' the drink.
I think you'll find that it is only dangerous if you drink it in excess, just like drinking energy drinks and alcoholic drinks on their own are dangerous if drunk in excess.
What he might be saying--tho--is that combining the two makes them each more-destructive (i.e. maybe your 'immunity' is "10 'vodkas' (or whatever the alcoholic-part is ),' but the Red Bull reacts to make the drink 2-or-3 times stronger---pulling your immunity down to 5 or 3).
I know what the original poster was saying, and I was saying it seems to only to asdangerous as the original poster is saying if you drink them together in excess, I've drunk energy drinks and alcohol together on nights out many a time and have never had a problem afterwards. If it is as dangerous and lethal as the orginal poster is saying (and not merely over sensationalising things with their opening line of "So you have been at risk of dying and no one else has taken their time to warn you.") then surely they would not allow clubs to sell it?
Alcohol rots the brain anyway. "Immunity" doesn't matter. I've stayed away from it my entire life and I don't plan to start drinking it now. My brain isn't that big as it is without losing brain cells. Why make the problem worse? Coffee is good enough for me when I need extra energy, and at least it provides some benefits.