It's certainly not the best thing that can happen to you if you are traveling but while losing luggage is bad enough, it's not as bad as losing your credit cards along with all you cash and passport. Has something like this ever happened to you? If it has, what tips can you share with others who love traveling to avoid being thusly inconvenienced?
Almost left a book or two on a plane. Thank goodness someone found it and I got it back. Always make sure you have everything with you before you leave an area. Be mindful and ask yourself, "Have I forgotten anything? Do I have everything I need?"
Yes, it has already happened to me. But I think only once because when I am very really careful of my stuff, so I take good care of them earnestly. It makes me feel uncomfortable whenever it happens that I lose some of my stuff and sure my travel somehow gets ruined. In some rare occasion that it happens, I try to manage to still make the most my stay in the place during vacation.
So far I haven't lost anything on my travels, but that's probably because I only ever take along what I regard as absolutely necessary, and that means my luggage tends to be compact and always near me. I wear a money belt, containing my passport and credit card, under my clothes, as I don't feel safe carrying those important items in a bag. I have been lucky that none of my suitcases or backpacks have ever gone missing during all my years of travelling.
Thankfully I've never lost anything major while I've been travelling. I left my kindle on the airplane once, but I was allowed to run back out to get it when I explained what had happened. I was half way to the arrivals lounge before I remembered!
I experienced this once and I really had to spend so much time and money making overseas calls just to stop my credit cards. It was definitely a hassle you would not want to experience! To avoid this, it's always best to just bring one or two credit cards and leave the others at home. You would not really need to bring all of those during the trip, unless you're expecting to really spend a lot. Also, you may want to always carry with you a small messenger bag as that's very convenient to bring and your valuables are always close to your body. Make sure you also make sure of the room's safe to put your valuables there while you are away.
I have always lost whatever books I've taken on travel before. I either forgot to pick them up from the plane seat or left them in the trolley. I don't mind losing anything else but never with my passport, money, bank cards, and ID cards. I make sure to place these items in the safest place of my luggage or carry on bag and they are the first and last thing I always check before and after leaving.
One time my husband and I were doing volunteer work in Mexico for 3 months. We decided to take a weekend vacation trip to one of the resorts since we were living in the capital. It was a small plane on the runway. We arrived with no problem but upon the return I left my passport inside the plane! My husband had to run back out on the runway and search the plane for it. Thankfully it was still there and thanks to nice customs officers they let him get back on it. This was the worst thing I ever left on a plane and just the thought of it gives me goose bumps.
Scariest moment of my traveling life was leaving my laptop on the plane after my flight to San Francisco. Luckily, in the split second after realizing that I was traveling a bit lighter, the intense fear was assuaged by the announcement of my name over the airport intercom. A flight attendant had found d it while cleaning, noted the seat number, and notified the gate staff (JetBlue, you rock!) Could have ended so much worse so ever since then, I triple-check my stuff every step of the way.
So far, I have not forgotten anything while doing major traveling. I have forgotten small stuff, though, when I have traveled up to my mother's house. It is usually things like deodorant or a toothbrush. Luckily, I can go into any local store like CVS and pick up what I need.
I did lose my luggage for a day in a trip from Vancouver to Detroit. I honestly wasn't too upset by it as I was residing with family over there and as mentioned, it was only expected to take a day or so for it to arrive. In addition to that, I received a $100 travel voucher from the airlines and luggage insurance from my credit card which covered a few things. All in all, no big deal. However, I think it could have easily been so much worse.
Never. My stuff never got lost or stolen, thank the heavens! Just to be safe, the valuables I always keep on me at all times in a smaller bag. I can't even imagine what a pain would be if my wallet got lost with all the credit cards and stuff. Even if my clothes would get lost that would be a major monetary and time consuming setback. So I always try to keep an eye on my things to the best of my ability.
No but I did have my body wash taken from me from security clearance. I thought it was best to put it in carry on but I guess it was above the liquid limit. Still, I find it funny that they took my body wash but left my cheap shampoo. It's almost like they knew I loved it so we had to go out and buy another one which was more money with California tax. Plus they called it aerosol.
I almost lost one of my suitcases as I was traveling. I had to suitcases on this particular journey one was quite large and one was average. The average one made it to my destination safe and sound. But the other one that was really big just did not turn up at my destination. This had me really worried and I was scared as I wasn't sure what was gonna happen. When I spoke to the airport staff, they confirmed with me that my luggage did not leave the airport along with me. But they assured me that my item will be on the next flight and should be with me on a maximum of two days. Two days later I checked with the airport and it had arrived and so at least it wasn't a bad experience per se.
Oh I have a funny story about this! I was moving from Pennsylvania to Alabama, I had six bags! I was traveling by bus so the transfers were rough! After the first transfer, bus eployees lost my bags!! So the rest of the trip I didn't have to change them over. Well once I got to my destination, the bus company took one day to locate and deliver my bags!! I was blessed not to have to worry about transferring all those bags!
Fortunately, this hasn't happened to me yet, or at least not with items significant enough for me to remember. I'm fairly sure I've left a few chargers or wires and similar accessories in hotel rooms, but I've always tried as much as possible to keep track and remember to bring home the more important or expensive items I bring. I don't really bring that much on travels anyway, so I tend not to have too much to keep track of. Usually, I'll just bring some clothes and a laptop or tablet for entertainment, so it's much easier to account for them when packing my bags to bring home.
I also lost my luggage in the airport when I was at the tour UK and this loses is my major loss in my life and I never forget it..
No major loss but I did lost my iPod Shuffle when I was traveling back to the US once. I always keep the little guy in my pocket and sometimes clipped on my shirt or sweater, I must've clipped it on and it fell somewhere when I was boarding the plane.
Yes I did, I once lost a luggage. It's a freaking nightmare I tell you, I didn't really lost it I still got it back but it took the airline almost a month to fix the matter and by that time I considered that luggage to be lost forever.
Denis Hard! It is always painful to left your luggage anywhere. It happened once with in my life when I was on boston to dc bus tours. I left my purse and I don’t know where? It was a very serious problem for me because my all money and credit card were in this purse. I was very depressed to how to get manage next tour but thank God I found it. My hotel manager kept it for me. I forgot it in hotel lounge.