Ever seen something really painful happen to someone in real time?

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by Nick2011 • Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Lilley1


    Apr 12, 2013
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    That is horrible but thank goodness the kid is fine.

    I was on the bus in middle school when I saw a kid get hit by a car. He just got off the bus I was on and ran across a street next to us. I heard the bus driver yell and looked over. The kid got up immediately and walked away. His body must have been in shock because he got hit pretty good. It took a couple weeks before he returned back to school.

    Just the other week, I was at a stop sign waiting for the crossing guard to let the children cross the street. I just dropped off my 5 year old and had my 3 year old in the back seat. The crossing guard stepped backwards with her arms out with the stop sign in one hand. I couldn't tell if she tripped backwards or fainted, but she fell straight back and hit her head on the asphalt so hard she bounced up a couple feet. (My heart still sinks when I think about it). I pulled off the road, threw the car in park and ran to her. She barely had a pulse, unresponsive and very stiff. Other people came to help until paramedics arrived. She finally came around but I thought she passed.

    That is when I realized how little I knew in emergency situations. :(
  2. taskeinc


    Apr 8, 2012
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    He was shot several times (not seven times) and I was sitting in my apartment with my girlfriend. At the time I lived in Oakland, CA, in a neighborhood that was not so good.... We heard the shots, then a few minutes later heard a lot of commotion outside. I told my lady to stay put, I went outside and there were several people walking rather swiftly down the street. I walked less than a half a block to the corner and the guy (who was my next-door-neighbors brother) lay dying .. He was taking his last breaths, and you could hear him saying, in a very low tone, "Help Me", but he was gone within a few seconds .. From the shots I heard and the blood everywhere, it appeared as if he'd been shot at least 4 times at close range. Within 2 weeks I moved from Oakland to San Leandro, to a better, safer neighborhood... That was during my years, shortly after HS and College, when I had the really bright idea to move to California, not realizing how high the cost of living was .. I settled in Oakland, but after that incident, it motivated me to start working longer hours so I could get the heck up out of that area ... because East Oakland was no joke then, and from what I hear, it hasn't gotten much better .. a few years after moving, I got a promotion that brought me to Georgia .. where I reside today ...

    I know, probably TMI, but since my "7 Day Avg. Points Per Post" keeps dropping, I can only assume that my responses are either not long enough, or someone making the call doesn't necessarily like my post .. who knows???
    #22Jun 3, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2013
  3. An

    Anna BlushActive Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    I am also so glad that the oh is doing alright,
    I would probably be in these thoughts and replaying the event in my head. I honestly saw some terrible car accidents happen on the highway as well as on the street where people stand on the corner.
    I really wish that the street and car laws concerning texting while driving get much stricter since so many people die each year.
  4. sidney

    sidneyWell-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
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    I've never seen an accident happen in real life as well, but many years ago, my cat was run over by a car in the street in front of our house, and my dad says there was blood all over. But when I arrived home from school, the rain had completely washed away the blood, and my dad had already buried the cat in our backyard. That's really one of my saddest days ever. :'(
  5. JessiFox

    JessiFoxActive Member

    Nov 29, 2012
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    I've been right behind (and nearly involved in) car accidents a few times...it's really weird and frightening how time seems to slow down and become more intense for a bit.
  6. Lilley1


    Apr 12, 2013
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    That is horrible! I'm sure it makes your heart sink every time you think about it. :(

    Unfortunately, there are some people that have no problem hitting animals in the road. Years ago, I was riding in a truck with a male friend down a two lane road going about 45mph. An orange tabby cat ran into the street and this guy actually swerved his truck to hit the cat. He succeeded and called out his total of point for hitting the poor thing. I actually forgot about that story until I read your post. Then you have someone like me who will stop traffic to move a turtle out of the road. :eek:
  7. Mercy77


    Jun 4, 2013
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    As a kid, I saw a lady get hit by a car. The horrible part was that one of the car wheels ran over her head so you can imagine what happened. It was really terrible. I was walking with my baby sitter when this happened and she fainted and I was freaking out. I was like 6 years old at the time. I never forgot that. The impression it left has never left me.