Your kids return from the first day of school, tellingmyou about their teachers, new kids who moved near by durning the summer, how awful lunch was and the hand you...not only all those school forms you need to fill out it in triplet, the do's and don'ts of the classroom and the 32 item long list of school supplies that are needed for the school year. Really? My 3rd grader needs a scientific calculator, my kindergarten needs not only glue sticks but paste and these new things called glue dots, and my 9th grader not only needs special universal athletic shoes but posture enhancing gym socks, for the love of God what happened to plain old sneakers and tube socks? Do you think the schools have gotten way out of hand with these list and if they require them, should they supply them? I feel anything beyond the basics and as much as I hate it gym clothes, should be supplied by the schools. Parents should not have to foot the bill for things teachers deem neccessary. After all, after we pay THEIR salary we are pretty much broke.
I agree . I already pay taxes. But since I homeschool I also receive no benefit from my tax dollars. I not only have to pay their saleries, but I have to pay for all of my kids educational material including their books and manuels. I have to fund every project. I have to pay for their sports and their outfits and equipment. So I really do feel ya on that.
My kids aren't in school yet, but I can relate to what you mean. When I was going to college I dreaded finding out what books and supplies were required for the classes because I never had the money to pay for them. Some of the textbooks were hundreds of dollars, and to this day I still wonder how broke students are supposed to come up with the cash. And the professors never seemed to empathize - It was usually the opposite. As a matter of fact, some of my professors motivated us to get these books using threats of failed quizzes and deductions for incomplete assigned work. The worst was when the professor wanted you to buy the textbook he or she wrote. The reasoning was that they believed it was the best instructional tool on the market. I you never knew how much the books were going to cost until you got to the bookstore and said, "NO WAY!"
I keep asking myself why do we have to pay for so many supplies when we pay taxes. What does the tax money pay for? I don't remember having to ask my mother for additional money for school when I was in school. True it was awhile back but still, where does the tax money go?
My kids are grown up now but back when they were in school, it seemed like those lists just got longer and longer with each passing year. When you have four kids like I did, it was just way too much money! It sounds like it has even gotten worse. Why does a 3rd grader need a scientific calculator? It really is getting out of hand. I would have to call the school and tell them there is no way I can afford the lists now. When was a kid, all we needed was paper, pencils and peechee folders.
I don't really see anything wrong with being prepared.or even over-prepared. Nonetheless, I do see the comedy in a scientific calculator for the 3rd grade. Anyhow, though, shopping isn't a big deal and I'm sure you can get good deals somewhere. Note, it is true that when demand is high, prices go up. Nonetheless, there are so many stores competing that it might lead to an advantage for the consumer sometimes. Does anyone know where to get good deals at the start of the school year?
Well as far as school supplies, uniforms and anything that is required by the school from the students during the opening of classess, for me, are necessary for I have been a teachers and eventually was promoted to a school head. I know what the basic requirements for the students on their respective grade or year. In fact, they are clearly written on the board for the parents to see and copy. If they have any question, we entertain them. So far we haven't encountered any problem or resistance from the students' parents. It is our practice that we see to it that what is being required from the students in the beginning of classes is a necessity and important to their studies and activities.
It's actually summer vacation here so parents are freed from the hassle of shopping for school needs of their children. But next month, there would be a rush so it is advised to go on an early school need shopping to avoid the rush. However, the prices of school supplies and children's clothes and accessories (related to school like bags) are still expensive. Ironically, the prices of those items will drastically go down when the school shopping rush begins a month before the opening of the school year. Mothers have no choice but to brave the crowd of shoppers.
I smiled upon reading "posture enhancing gym socks", lol. Really now? How can a pair of socks enhance one's posture? I think that's just a marketing ploy. Anyway, I don't think you are required to buy those things exactly as they specified, right? They will never know if they were "posture enhancing socks" in the 1st place! I think most schools are now "advanced" in requirements as compared to a few decades ago, but I think if you enrol them in a public school then the requirements wouldn't be that fussy.