Good!! Mine was actually gifted to me. I had considered getting one a few times previously, but just couldn't justify the price for something I didn't think I would end up using. Once I had one, though, I've never looked back. It was useful for several things that I hadn't even considered before. And the kids really enjoyed trying the various things I attempted to dehydrated. FYI, dehydrated pineapples are still kinda chewy even after hours. Guess what they taste like? Laffy taffy!! So again, it was like homemade candy for them, but without any extra sugar or chemicals, which is just awesome.
Hmmm....laffy taffy....I better watch out with that because my husband will end up eating it all before the kids get to it! LOL. Thanks again for the ideas, I really appreciate them!
Haha! Well good then, right? At least you know he's getting something healthy instead of grabbing the real candy otherwise.
That is very true! I just bought a bunch of fruit at the store tonight, so we shall get started and see how I do! Wish me luck!
I'm in the market for a food dehydrator. Does anyone have a model they suggest, especially one that is easy to clean. I want it for homemade fruit leather and to dehydrate fruits mostly. So I'm not really looking for top of the line. I'm looking for bang for my buck!
This one: It's a Nesco American Harvest one. It's super easy to use, comes apart easily, and is a cinch to clean. You can even put the plates in the dishwasher, I think, although I've never felt the need to because they wipe clean. You can also put wax paper inside and you spray other shelves with cooking spray so nothing sticks.
I see something, it looks interesting, I buy it and it sits. I purchased a food dehydrater a long, long tine ago, and as much as I love dried fruit, I never used it once. Wasted money.