Do you buy foods that are going to expire soon for a discounted price? If the discount I am being offered is at least 25 percent, I will always buy the food that is going to expire. However, I will not buy the large container when the expiry date is just about a week away. I will always buy food near expiry date as long ads there is still some time left and I am getting big discounts,. This will save a lot of money.
Generally, I don't buy stuffs which are about to get expired. Sometimes discount on those goods are pretty lucrative, but I do not want to take chance with food stuffs, especially with children around. Moreover, when you buy such stuffs you have to be always in a hurry to use them off before expiry. Thus you end up eating more to stop wastage. However, if the item of small quantity, I buy as it will get over before expiry.
Sometimes I am doing that buying those foodstuffs which would have to expire a month or a week for their less price. Why I said sometimes, my friend has told me that I wouldn't take any chances as far as food is concerned. I might forget its expiry date and there is a tendency that my children or grandchildren might consume it later or after its expiration date. It is good if it is eaten right away after I purchase but if it would stay long, that is, the risk of getting poison.
I like this school of thought because it is funny. However, I would not practice that. I love myself so much and I would not want to get sick. One thing I know is that some companies fake the expiry dates. This is mostly foodstuff producing companies. I have ever bought yoghurt from a supermarket that had one month more of shelf life. When I opened it, it had worms. Since that day, I always buy things that have atleast 6 months of shelf life remaining. One may want to save more by buying the 'the almost going bad' goods and end up spending more in the hospital.
I don't buy stuff that is about to expire but the food that is close to expiration that is hiding in my kitchen cabinet will end up as a pizza or frittata topping before it is too late. I just turned 3 cans of chicken of the sea that will expire in July 10 into toppings for my frittata.
If I am planning to use the product soon I do buy them near experation date to save some cash. There are times when I buy items that have one 2 days left to expire and I buy them if I use them that same day of purchase. I have saved a lot this way and I wished they had more of such discount.
Well it is usually a scramble to come up with things that you can incorporate them into. Thankfully these are mostly veggies in my home and that makes things easier, because I can just throw them in a pasta dish somehow.
I won't like to buy food that are near expiration, if any consequences it would sure outweigh the luring discount on them. Well it may also depend on how soon they will expire. For example bread that's to expire after five days I may settle for if it has just two days to go before expiration so long it's still fresh and good aroma but then there must be a good discount to motivate me. Ordinarily I like buying bread same day it was baked.
Generally, I think it's dangerous buying food that are due to expire very soon. Regardless of the low cost, I think it"s still risky. Try comparing your health to a few bucks that may be saved by buying food that is due to expire soon. Remember, forgetfully you may consume it after the expiry date, or even forget to consume it on-time and throwing it away at the end, loosing all the money used in buying it in the first place.
I remember purchasing products near their expiry dates from a Korean store near our workplace a few years ago. It's a Ramyun and they were selling it half it's price but will expire in less than a month. Since I love this kind of noodle, I didn't hesitate to buy some. Not only me but my co-workers as well. Some of them even bought dozens of it and 2 of my colleagues bought a box of it and sold it in their neighborhood.
If it's the powdered or dry kind or if I will consume it right away then I will buy it. I remember some people selling imported chocolates in Facebook at very discounted prices, so naturally, people were interested and asked about the expiry date. As expected, the chocolates will expire soon, like a month up to 4 months in advance, that's why they were disposing it at a low price already.
It depends on the food. Some foods actually last longer than the expiration date. For example, many brands of packaged bread can survive about a week longer in the fridge beyond its expiration date. It depends on the type of food, but generally for most things I don't think it's worth it.
Yes I buy foods that are near expiry date if I know I am going to use them that day. Having said that I also look at the colour and texture of whatever it is to make sure it hasn't started spoiling and I prefer to eat it myself rather than giving it to my granddaughter. I think food generally has a longer life than the date on the package. My mum used to eat yoghurt that was weeks out of date with no ill effects. I wouldn't do that.
Mmm yes. I would buy as this saves money. Like you said, I would not buy in large quantity if it has a very little expiry date. Usually, I go for snacks when there is a discount for them. I would buy all my favorite snacks and store it so that I can eat it whenever I want.
I will buy the food if I know I can finish it before the expiry date. I usually buy some buns from the bakery shop in the evening and it offers great discount because they are going to close shop soon, and if I can finish the buns within one or two days, I will still buy them.
Of late, I fail to check the expiry date of products when I buy them. Sometimes, I'm always too busy to do that. I think this is extremely dangerous and I've got to put a stop to it. I think buying products near their expiry dates sometimes depends on the time you plan on consuming the product. If it's to be consumed early, I think I may buy it. However, I wont just buy a product which is near it's expiry date simply because it's cheaper.
I don't mind buying foods that are a week away from expiring as long as I know that I can consume them within the day or the following day. Some foods actually have shorter shelf life and a week from expiry date is not much of an issue or a reason for a company to offer huge discounts. However, I'll be wary of products that have about 3-year shelf life and is about to expire in a week's time.
I wouldn't mind buying them if i were in a tight spot or short of money, since food can still stay healthy after expiration date.
If I can finish that food before the expiry date then I won't mind purchasing it at anyway. But yes if food is more in quantity and it will be hard to finish them on time, then even if it is available at discounted price (even at half) I will not go for it. So it depends on the date and quantity.
There are items which are soon to be expired on sale just at the entrance of almost every store in almost every country. People often buy them if they find the expiry according to their consumption timing. I have bought couple of items like yogurt, bread or butter that I knew would be harmful if I did not consume them within a day or two.