Free Angry Birds app for those who are interested. It works for iphone and ipad. It normally costs some money to download, so get it if interested! Log In
Thanks for the share. I paid for it earlier so, I don't need it. Wish I would have waited until now though.
Hey thank you very much for this share! I've been a fan of Angry Birds and always wanted this version but didn't want to pay for it. I'm going to get it soon before the offer ends. I guess my patience does pay off sometimes! Cheers!
That's a pretty good score. I just finished all of my other levels or versions that I had and was going to buy Space but this will keep my occupied for awhile. Thanks for the share!
I don't have it on this phone yet since switching to AT&T. Verizon Android phones get it for free, but only the Android phones. I am not sure if my AT&T one does or not, it is an Android also. I still have it on my old phone tho, I keep it so the kiddos can play Angry Birds or I would have donated the phone