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The Kindle Marketplace on Amazon does have some really great free Kindle books. There's a top Kindle's books, free and paid. I don't have a Kindle, but I do use the Kindle PC app to read Kindle books. I also have a nice collection of free books. I used to be a member of Amazon Prime. I was able to check out Kindle books for a limited time.
Hmm, that's cool. But for my reading needs, I just use 10000+ free ebooks download which is a free app at the Google Play Store. It had thousands of pocket books available for free download. The app functions both as a download portal and an ebook reader. One a book is downloaded, it could be saved to the phone for offline reading. I have downloaded excellent ebooks like goosebumps series, Harry Potter, The Da Vinci Code, The Vow, and a lot more.
I didn't know that, thanks! I've followed links to free books there, but I had no idea it was a regular thing. I'll definitely check that out!
I am glad that you are trying out the amazon free ebooks. I really like that the selection changes all the time, so there are always new ones to find and read. This might be off topic, but I just have to tell you that I love your llama avatar picture ! I used to have a llama' and they are just so much fun, and I know that mine would have been looking out the window just like the one in the picture you have. He used to love to come in the house, and just laid right down on the rug like an enormous dog. They whine, and one day , the phone company had called me, and I was trying to talk to the lady, and that llama was right there and kept whining. I am sure that lady wondered what was going on, and I was barely keeping from laughing every time that he did it !
Do they have niche targeted ebooks that they give away or are they just general? I love free stuff but only if it is what I need. If not it is completely useless. I wish amazon will give out Internet marketing ebooks that contains good information. And are the ebooks from publishers or the users? Like some users make their own ebooks and give it out for free. How many downloads do they get per day for the average ebook.
Hey, thanks for the tip! I hope they have genuinely free books because a lot of sites that offer free ebooks tend to be offering books that are readily available from the Gutenburg Project (free out-of-copyright, classics, etc.). I'll definitely check it out.
One of the things that made me fall in love with my Kindle Fire was finding all the books amazon gives away for free. I purchased my first book but I have about 30 or more titles in my library that were free. Very interesting titles and stories. Some right up my alley. Books I wish I could find when I'm willing to spend money. The last time I went searching through their free books there were over 55 thousand titles. You'll find up and coming authors with very recent releases along with classic books you can find free just about anywhere else. If there is one type of book I got a little sick of seeing were the vampire themed YA novels. So overdone. I trust Amazon reviewers for the most part. I use a combo of the star system and summary when choosing my books for kindle.