I'm looking for reviews and feedback on setting up a forum for fun with a blog. It's more as an experiment and if it doesn't pan out or if I don't have time for it then all I have lost is my time. I'm trying proboards and also I have found createaforum, but if anyone has any feedback or advice please do share. Thanks.
Not really one to speak about forum software, since I only ever used phpBB, and it's probably an awful idea to use that nowadays as it's usually pretty insecure out of the box, but for blog, you really can't go wrong with Wordpress. I know it may be cliche and tired, but it absolutely works, you can isntall it with ease, and anyone can maintain it.
I haven't used any forum software but I do know of free forum software which you can use but I don't know if you have to pay for hosting. Links below: Log In Log In "setup discussion forums inside your WordPress.org powered site." Log In Log In Log In All the best!
Thanks, I've tried proboards, but will keep these options open too and pass them onto the others who have more time to tinker and play around. Reliable hosting is one issue, but then also making user friendly and admin friendly. Then you can join us when it's set up!
I look forward to that. Share the link and I, most certainly, will join you. You could also take a look at freeforums.com. I visited the site yesterday and I noticed that it's not that bad. Log In " Our free forums have more features than any other host." Interesting . . .
I'd go with almost any of the options suggested so far for forum software, but WordPress is unbeatable for blogs because there's so much you can do with the platform. I've only started a couple of forums in the past for fun, and it does take some time to be successful. It takes some time to get used to your chosen software, too.
Whether or not you should go for free or paid depends on how much you value certain features in the paid stuff. For instance, XenForo has a thing where you can hover of a part of the quote and quote it alone. Note, to me, that's highly useful, but other people wouldn't care. On the other hand, though, the one-on-one support is needed less by me because I'm more experienced with forum stuff. In that case, I could handle a free package by MyBB, only needing the limited support at MyBB.com.
If you want the two of those separately then you can go for the "simple machines forum" for forum. And for blog you can make use of the "WordPress". This way you can easily make use of the system. And if you are willing to pay for this. Then you can go with the IP Board software. That is a good software. Also it is lot better than free options.
Those aren't all of them. Another one isLog In However, if you don't want to pay for hosting or do the installation, then there is: Log In Log In Log In Log In among others. Nonetheless, note that the non-installation ones will limit features. Oh, by the way, if you want free hosting and you're willing to install, then there are countless free hosting companies out there, but mind you, they will limit resources or place ads.
I have a wordpress blog. In my experience and knowledge, wordpress is the best content management system for a blog. Wordpress even works for ecommerce sites. As far as forum script is concerned, I thing MyBB or PhpBB are better than any other scripts. These are not only free to use but also two most used forum scripts. However, I don't have much experience using other forum scripts.
It is pretty amazing to think about how many of these have come out recently and just the amount of options as opposed to even a few years ago. Although you can argue you have to be more careful, but I like to think it is a good thing.
I think free forum and blog software can work - but you have to remember to update them and also use strong passwords. Otherwise, you could be hacked. Anyway, though, at least they have something now (with Softalicious) where you can choose "auto-update".