I seldom shop online and whenever I do, I only purchase things that I need or want. I normally purchase one at a time to prevent problems if ever the item didn't arrive at the right time or if the seller or courier encountered a problem. Oftentimes, the products that I purchase online comes with free shipment and no minimum item required.
I do not bother myself trying to shop for more items to qualify for free shipping. What I am after is moderate shipping cost. I am okay buying the few stuffs I just need for the moment and have them shipped to me at moderate charge, not expensive though.
Me too, I look at the item I'm purchasing, like I just did at Walmart online. The item was under $3 and the shipping was only 3.99, so I got it. I'm expecting it next week. I love free shipping especially at amazon.com for shipping can be very expensive at amazon. Target gives free shipping "on almost everything" if you have their Red Card which is free to obtain. Like most we check for details and go accordingly. Sometimes at sites like SwansonVitamins.com we get deals with free shipping, which is very good for they charge extra for shipping to Hawaii. Deals to save money for shipping is what to look for, too.
When I shop online, I always make sure that I don't have to pay for shipping. If I have to buy extra in order to be eligible for free shiping, I will go for it. Some products cost more money to ship than the actuall price of the product. In that case I will not buy it. I prefer to buy on ebay because I can find many sellers not asking for shipping price.
Other than making sure not to pay for shipping it's best to always chose the fastest shipping method in order to secure the product.
Nowadays you can't decide nor choose if you are presented or given the possibility of free shipping, so i use it whenever it's available to me.
I usually try to accumulate things that I want to avail of free shipping, because if we buy products in singles, the shipping tends to be quite expensive. But there are certain times when I really have to get something, then I have to pay the shipping costs. I get online shopping vouchers frequently from some of the survey sites that I work for and so I tend to buy things in one go, within the value of the vouchers so I can skimp on shipping costs!
I have subscribed to the Amazon Prime. And they seem to have the system where they do give free shipping. And often the service is second day shipping too. So depending on how you choose to get the items. I am sure you can find good rates on the site. I personally think that the amazon and the few local mall chains are doing good with free delivery options. You can save money this way.
The first and second shipping are quite a treat and they are the things that most attracted me to Amazon in which i purchased the subscription.