Do you have a concern to know which fruit is in season so that it's cheaper to buy than the off-season alternatives? Or do you just buy whatever you feel like eating or whatever you like the most?
I tend to do a bit of both. There are certain fruits like bananas that I enjoy all year round. As they are never local, the price remains fairly constant. Other fruits such as strawberries are grown locally and when they are in season it is the only time they have any flavour. Rather than being concerned over the price, I like my fruit to be as tasty as possible and the less time it has been sitting around in the shipping process the better. Locally, a lot of vegetables are grown rather than fruits. The price can double or triple if you want a particular item in the off season. While I might hesitate because of the price, I realize that I can't grow it myself here at that time so I am willing to pay.
Eating fruits in season is complimentary to the saying, "Eat what nature gives you." I buy fruits in season with a mix of the year-round fruits, too. I take advantage of seasonal fruits since that's the only time I can get them fresh and at the lowest price. I'm fortunate to be living in a tropical country where bananas and coconuts are available throughout the year. In summer watermelons, mangoes, and melons are abundant and so I see to it that I enjoy them during that time as well.
When you eat fruit out of season, you have to remember it was picked unripe and shipped to your store from another continent. It's so wasteful when you think about it. So I avoid eating those fruits for the most part. They taste mediocre, too! Everyone should look into local farmers markets in their area. They're almost everywhere in the U.S. I am going to a local berry picking farm soon. Strawberries for two bucks a pound.
Imported fruit has the same price, all the time. The only difference in price (more expensive), I notice with country grown fruit or veggies that are out of season. And since most of them are bloody expensive when out of season, take strawberries for example, I don't buy them until their season comes and the price drops. Plus, there are always cheaper alternatives for both fruit and veggies, so why not stay clear of the expensive out of season ones?
I never worried about what fruits is in season. We planted so many type of fruits in our farm so we always have something all year round. Buying fruits from the supermarkets are so expensive nowadays and it does not make any different if I go to the weekly market too.
I usually don't care what season it is, if I see good fruit available I buy it, but recently I started buying my fruit from a local producer and the fruit he has is awesome, but I mean, like the fruit I used to eat when I was a kid. Apart from that, it's super cheap, so yeah, I am a big fan of the fruit that in season.
I'm not a big fan of fruits so much as I could buy them occasionally when they're in season, I tend to always buy fruits anytime the craving for a certain fruit strikes. But like I said, since I don't buy fruits often, I don't spend much on them be they in season or not.