First of all, try to visit this website and tell me what you feel:Log In The sales page is very well done right? Sentences and paragraphs are all structured in order to try to entice you to buy the product - Get Google Ads Free. The title itself is very intriguing. Who wouldn't want to use Google ads for free? Anyways, whether you're convinced by the sales page or not, I would tell you right off that this product is a scam. It is one big lie. There is no system to get free Google ads. Stay away from this product. Stay far away.
No, the page is not very well done. I must disagree. Color choice is really awkward, text is too small and not convincing, the images aren't working and they are using "!!", which usually means amateurism. I would never ever buy something from a site like that. But kudos to your for posting this, not all people are experienced as you or me.
Oops sorry for that. I gave the wrong link (the one I gave above seems to be just an affiliate). Here's the link to the main page of "Get Google Ads Free".Log In The use of colors is great but I do believe that they still used one too many "!"
What I never can understand is why scammers think that by addressing a visitor as 'friend' they instantly disarm that person and draw him in. That opening line made me laugh. They could get away with that stuff but the use of different font colors and all the other fancy styling is always the first red flag that should inform anyone that they are are probably dealing with a scammer.
So basically, they're offering you to set up Google ads for free? Sorry but that's a pile of nonsense. Anyone who has any experience using Google Ads can easily sense that there's something wrong with this. In order to set up Google Ads, you need to have an account there first and you need to feed some funds into it before your ads can go live.
That's what they want their potential customers to believe. However, I've been reading some of the complaints about the product and I found out that the method is completely different from what is advertised. You should still make an account with Adwords then pay for ads. Then it suggests that you put Adsense ads in the posts and pages that you are advertising in Google in order to get ad revenue. This would offset the cost that you are paying to Google (as assumed by the author). So, it's not really free. It's false advertising and crap writing.