I was curious to know if there were any methods on purchasing gift card for Amazon and eBay for a cheap price. I am aware that surveys and what not promise such things, but nine out of ten of the time they are not received. Are there any safe websites that promise you good gift cards for an inexpensive price. Not just Amazon or Ebay, but also cards like American Express?
Depends. Do you want the Amazon giftcards for free or do you want to buy them but at cheaper prices than the value on the giftcard? I don't think eBay actually sells/allows giftcards so you won't unfortunately find any for them. If you are looking to get them for free, then I would recommend the site I-Say. They are a survey site that I use. I have received about 4-5 Amazon giftcards from them so far and received a lot more virtual credit cards. If you want, I can send a referral link your way. Just private message me your email
Depends on what you're looking for, but I really get more discounts always buying from Amazon. eBay is not a very good option when we talk about gift cards.