If you are a graphic designer or you love filtering your Instagram photos to enhance your aesthetic appearance, Gimp is for you. Adobe Photoshop costs real money while Gimp is free. Donating money to them so they can keep on working and upgrading their product is up to you. You can now have a free photo editing tool that is as good as Adobe Photoshop. I had been using this software to get rid of the acne scars for my Facebook photos. I can even use it to slim down my self and get rid of wrinkles. Look what it can do: This is where you can download it: Log In
When it comes to finding everything that you need, this is a very good program, and yes, it is completely free. I think that they offer a paid version, but the free one really does everything, so I am not even sure what the pros are for the paid version.
I have observed my son doing some photo editing in his purchased Photoshop app. I found it too difficult but he is too skillful to do it. I am just contented with the simple photo editor to put some text, resizing it. That is all. Well, since you have recommended a free photo editor like Gimp, I will try it if I could use it as handy as it is. Thanks.
What a coincidence. I am in search for a substitute to Adobe Photoshop because I cannot find the installer cd. I'm also planning to use free software when I finally buy my dream laptop. I already have Libre Office and I can add the installer of this Gimp. But I hope that Gimp is not as complicated as Adobe with the commands. One other free software I am looking for is a good anti virus other than AVG and Avast.
GIMP is a very powerful program that does most of the stuff an advanced premium program like Adobe Photoshop or Corel Paintshop can do. I would definitely advise a download if art is a hobby. However, don't let the free price full you. It has a massive learning curve. Possibly you would have to pay for premium tutorials online or offline to understand it. Nonetheless, it's probably takes less out of your wallet than some premium stuff. Well, I do know that Corel Paintshop can be bought for less than 100 dollars.
I tried using Gimp 2 sometime ago for light photo editing as Adobe Photoshop can't run or does not run smooth on my computer. Gimp is a free, light and user friendly photo editor as it's not much complicated to use unlike Adobe. If you have used Adobe Photoshop before then most likely you'll get used to using Gimp, but if you're a beginner, there's always a YouTube video tutorial on how to use Gimp
If its about a photo editing software which will cost no money, then GIMP is definitely a good choice. I personally prefer to use Photoshop though!
I use to use this to remove blemeshes from my face as well and the best part is that it's free and works amazingly. I find it as good as photoshop which I really won't want to spend money on. I am so glad someone came up with this program to give everyone an opportunity to play around and experiment with graphic designs and editings.
I looked at Gimp before; but it was complicated for me, and I like using something that will do what I need; but without being difficult to set up and use. Since I use the ipad, I use photo-editing apps with the tablet. The main one that I use is called Aviary, and it does the basic things that I usually want to do. When I need more sophisticated editing, I use an app called Procreate, and it does a lot more things than I have learned to use it for (as of yet). PicMonkey is another great editing program, and they have both a computer version and an app for tablets. They have a basic free program that you can use, and then if you are doing a lot of editing that needs special effects, they have another program that costs . Either way, it is a great program, and simple to use.
Gimp is also useful for professional graphic designers and even game developers uses Gimp for making video game sprites. Digital artists and fashion designers also used this software for making their art works. For a free software it is very helpful and useful. They also regularly getting an update for all the users out there. It is also not bombarded with ads. This software is making money from donations of it's users. The users are really impressed that they actually donate voluntarily. I prefer this much better than the over priced and ram hogging adobe.
I have used gimp quite a bit in the past for my artwork and a lot of professionals use this as well,also a lot of them don't like it. Gimp is free and Photoshop costs up to 700 dollars,and Gimp is easier to install than Photoshop,its about 20 times smaller and takes up less room on your hard drive.
Thanks for sharing this, I really do not bother editing my photos and I just save them as is, so Gimp will be the first one that I would try when I want to practice and learn how to edit my photos.
Thanks for sharing, but i feel that these free soft wares don't have many features so it might not be that useful to professionals or editors.
Photoshop is too expensive to buy, and I am glad my senior recommended us to use GIMP when we needed to create some simple graphics for our websites. I have not use Photoshop before, so I can't compare which is better, but I am very satisfied with GIMP as a free software, and I think it is a very powerful software. I am not a graphic designer and I don't really know how to use image editing tool well, but there are tons of good tutorials out there for me to learn how to use GIMP, so I am able to do some simple stuff now.
Youtube is a nice place online to find gimp tutorial. That is where I learned how to get rid of acne on photos. Yeah I know it is cheating but I do not want to immortalize the giant pimple I had 10 years ago.
@Alexandoy You can use Symantec anti-virus as it is effective in warning you about the malware and also it gives you better protection. I am using it for some 3 years now and it is one of the best. @Beast_Titan I have Gimp software but I didn't see any tutorials to learn it as I am not finding time to slowly explore the software. Thanks for the suggestion.
GIMP is open source photo editing program. It is often referred as free photoshop. Since photoshop is the best photo editing program, calling GIMP free photoshop puts value on the program. I use photoshop (I have rudimentary skills though) and I have tried using GIMP. The only thing that I did not like in GIMP is the floating screen.
GIMP and Paint seems to be two I am using. But on Windows I think nothing beats the CorelDraw and Photoshop. Those are completely the best software out there. As you can see they can pay some good money too. I have found that GIMP has plenty of options but it does fall short on the features some the time. I think for this reason, GIMP is good as it is free.
I second this, I've been using GIMP for a long time now and I've never had any problems with it. Most of the things in Photoshop, you can do with GIMP. The GIMP community is also very nice and creative. They offer free plugins which will help you improve your experience in GIMP, including new brushes and overlays. The only con to it is that the UI is not as neat and aesthetic as Photoshop, but it still does the trick extremely well.
I am now trying to make my own video game and Gimp had been very helpful for me. I can sell my game for a very cheap price because I didn't spend much money for developing it and Gimp has been a helpful life saver.