Gluten Intolerance

Discussion in Health & Beauty started by Dora M • Aug 24, 2015.

  1. Dora M

    Dora MWell-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    I never had any major issues with gluten until about 8 months ago when I suddenly started developing worrying symptoms. For a long time I didn't understand what was affecting me, until I realized that the occasional pasta and wholemeal pancakes that I was eating were seriously interfering with my health.
    It all started with swollen eyes, cramps and pains in my stomach, aching muscles, and a feeling of being disconnected from the world. In fact, I naively thought that all those symptoms were associated with me moving to a new country and being unfamiliar with the food and quality of water in the new place.
    On top of all those symptoms, I also started developing severe depression that I couldn't explain to myself.
    Then, one night, it hit me that I must have become gluten intolerant, as I was reading an article about the topic.
    I immediately cut out all sources of gluten from my diet, and most of my symptoms disappeared within a week.
    I can't believe how sick I got from various products that contained gluten.
    How is your tolerance for gluten?
  2. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    I think many people are having an issue with wheat (it's not always gluten.. not everyone with issues has celiac). I notice some of the same symptoms now and I'm not celiac, so it's not gluten. When I eat it, I feel terrible with a number of issues most people would pass off as a part of aging or depression or.. I don't know.. life lol. I'm not talking just one or two symptoms either, it's nutty. Now that I eat a majority whole foods diet, I REALLY notice the effects of food on the body. From subtle to painful. It's glaringly obvious that highly processed foods have an immediate impact, but everyone is so accustomed to them, they just don't notice, or believe it.
  3. purplepen88

    purplepen88Active Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I have a coworker who is gluten intolerant. She would get bad cramps, a rash on her face, bloated and irritable bowel symptoms. She was told to cut out all glutens and she feels 100% better. Her symptoms went away with days as well. But as soon as she has something with gluten her symptoms return immediately. With wheat being so genetically modified it is no longer the same wheat our grandparents ate and many people are developing a sensitivity to it. I am a big proponent of eating healthy organic foods.
  4. gata montes

    gata montesActive Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    Unfortunately the symptoms you have just described Dora M are fast becoming a widespread problem - in fact so much so - that sometime around 2010/12 it became clear that research to investigate the reasons why was needed and although it might be comforting to know - that the research has revealed that its not the gluten that is causing the problem - you could find the reason extremely worrying.

    Particularly as gluten intolerance ( in those who have never experienced it before ) along with many other illnesses is now thought to be caused - by consuming the residues of the glyphosate found in the herbicides - the agricultural industry uses to spray on various crops - to help them ripen more evenly as well as prior to harvesting to help them dry out quicker.

    More details of which can be found here

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    as well as in the results of the peer reviewed study

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