Do you just browse the Shop To see what catches your fancy or do you have some website you check to see what games and apps are worth it?
I am going to say it's safe to assume you are also talking about video games. In that case: The only time I really browse in the shop is if I happen to be in the mall. I usually see what is on steam sales or humble bundle. If I can save money through humble bundle I will usually impulse grab because it is on sale. For consoles, I usually use PSN to browse through and see what is available. It just makes things simpler.
I usually just go to the Google Play Store and browse what's there to see and download them outright. At times, I go to game review sites likeLog In orLog In and look at what games struck the fancy of the editors. I like looking at top 10 lists at gaming websites because they really list games that are worth getting.
I'm not a huge game person (if we're talking about phone games, console games is another beast entirely.) so I only have a few games on my phone. I currently really like "Dots" and "Dumb Ways to Die". I also have Flappy Bird on my phone, but only because it was deleted from the market so you can never download is again. (Hopefully if I ever decide to sell this phone, it will make it more valuable?) I know the game "2048" has been pretty popular lately, but I have no idea if it's any fun or not.
I used to wait for games and preorder them and what not. Now, though, I don't really play that many video games, but I still go in to stores every now and then to see what they have in terms of older games. I'm thinking of ordering some older games for the gamecube, though, as they seem to very cheap now but are still very fun. Other than that, I mostly order games through steam.
I normally just go straight to appstore and check out the top rated games/most popular games, Once i see something i like, i read the reviews first (this is really important to me) and if there's more good reviews than the negative ones, then I'll download the game and judge it myself. If i like it, good, if not i'll get rid of it right away and look for another games.
Yep, it's also good to go directly to the app store. I do that too. However, there are lots of times that I download something that's full of crap even if the game has got a high average rating. There are also games that have a low average rating but eventually turns out to be a pretty darn good game. It gets tiring to keep on installing then deleting because the game is pure crap. That's why I try to turn to review sites first. Besides, it's a lot of fun reading their reviews.
I will check out the most popular paid games, as I don't like like the free to play structure. Then I will check the reviews, and if it looks like something I would be interested in, I would give it a shot. For mobile games I mostly prefer strategy or puzzle games.
It just depends. If I can't find anything worthwhile in the app store, then I'll check out lists for the top mobile games available right now. I don't download games that often for my phone because I pick ones that take awhile to beat or simply keep going on and on. Sometimes, I prefer to randomly happen upon my games in the app store.
I don't actually buy games just because I saw them on the shelf. I only purchase games that I'm religiously following, for example Assassin's Creed. If there's a new AC game I would surely buy it no matter what. I also check games before purchasing, if a game is not mainstream and it looks good I would check on the reviews and if it's great I would purchase it.
I've recently found a game I couldn't seem to put down, it's an old game that has been converted to be mobile-friendly and all about choice, which I love. It's called Alter Ego and it was originally released back in 1986 but is still just as fun as ever in my own opinion. It's text-based but very humorous and draws on serious life issues, sometimes I forgot I wasn't actually my character for a while. I've replayed this game over and over again with different endings, accidental deaths and the formations and deformation of marriages, children and family bonds. It's a really unique experience and if anyone is interested in an immersive game that allows you to visualize and chose your future, then I'd suggest this to you! Here's a link to the game on the iTunes app store.Log In
I don't really make an effort to do a lot of research online or ask friends for second opinion. When I go through the Google Play interface and see if there's a game there worthy of a download, I read the reviews first. If the game receives mostly negative reviews with less than 3 stars, I won't even consider downloading it. However, if the game has a fair amount of positive reviews with 4 or more stars, then it's sure to be added to my collection.
I usually go to Google play store and check out the games there. If they have a very good reviews then I definitely use it.. I usually go according to the reviews and check out if it is free.
I usually just check who's high up on the list actually. I don't like to make that much effort in search of cool apps or games I just tend to follow along what's the best chosen by most people.
For mobile games I just browse the store since I typically only download their free offerings, hence there's nothing wrong with giving any game a try. When it comes to paid games for PC/console I tend to visit review sites like Kotaku to get some insight on the game before purchasing. Youtube Let's Play videos are another goldmine of information you can consider when it comes to games.
I just like to go to the app store and look through some of the games that they have in the store and then I take a look at some of the games that have been selling well and then the ones that have the most downloads. If it looks like it will be a good game then I give it a try and see for myself.
There were a few that I discovered by browsing online with different keywords. I can't seem to remember their names. However, online magazines like the Kotaku and PC Gamer usually has reviews on apps, games and in-depth analysis on the games. They would show up on my search result and I would go through their articles, read them and learn more about the apps or the games.