I am quite a crafty person and have regularly considered making gifts rather than buying them. Do you think this is a thoughtful option as you have taken the time to create something specially for a person? Or, do you think that it makes you look like a cheapskate and that you didn't want to spend money on someone?
Hand made gifts are the best and most thoughtful. I love doing that, I used to do it almost every year, but now that I live so far from my family, the shipping as become an issue because hand made items are often so fragile. I still do it for people who live locally though. I really appreciate it when someone takes the time to make me something. My room mate made me bun covers last year for Christmas. They require at least a dozen pins to hold on, but they are so cute, I love the splash of color they add to my hairdo.
I usually like receiving handmade gifts. If you take your time and make something nice, I think it is thoughtful and sweet. Sure, it can help save money, but saving money is important. That doesn't mean you are "cheap." Being cheap to me would be giving someone junk. If it's something nice; it's a good gift, especially if you're good at making stuff. I tend to be more practical than extravagant when it comes to money/gift giving though, but I'm also sentimental, so I like handmade things. What types of gifts do you have in mind to make for people?
I have made gifts from home before mostly because I didn't have the money to get them anything. If your really crafty you can turn recycled items into good gifts. One year I made my daughter a rag doll out of one of her dads ratty old t shirts. She loved it even more because it smelled like her daddy and she carried the thing every where with her for a while.
People love handmade gifts. Most do. Of course you there are a few who'll accept the gift because they don't want to hurt your feelings but once you're out of sight they dump it in the trash can. But not many people are that snobbish. That's why if you can, you should make such gifts and save some cash because many people will appreciate your having made something special for them.
I love handmade gifts- both giving and receiving them. I think they're thoughtful and charming, and shows a lot more effort than just grabbing something at the store. I'd rather someone save their money and put some time or thought into making something for me, or doing something together. I don't think that's "cheap" at all. Of course, a quick Pinterest binge will show you that some handmade gifts can get a little ridiculous and scary, but overall it's a nice thought .
I think that handmade gifts are a really thoughtful option and I do handmade gifts all the time. I make something very special for each person that I make something for. No two items are alike, unless that request is made. I sew and I make handcrafted jewelry as well as special books. Honestly, sometimes handcrafted gifts end up costing more than ready made gifts. I feel that handmade gifts have more sentimental value.
It's the thought that counts. I always receive hand crafted gifts from my friends and I really like it. I particularly remember this one.. One of my friend cutout a DILBERT cartoon strip from a news paper... (which I was able to relate on) and then.. pasted it on a cardboard.. and add some tussle to it and viola.. a hand made BOOK MARK.. my friend then scribbled some few messages at the back of it.. and gave it to me. It now almost 5 years when it was first given to me and I am still using it.
Effort is the best gift to receive. Yes, D.I.Y gift is one of the most precious gifts we can received though it's not that expensive but there is a given effort. Doing such effort is what makes it special.
I find handmade gifts to be more thoughtful. I enjoy both giving and receiving them. When I make a gift for someone else, I like to make sure it's something I know they will both use and appreciate and that way, I often find myself getting to know someone just a little bit better too.
Generally we always look for unique gift for our loved one but there may be possibility of common gifts like flowers, cards, chocolates, candle light dinner and so on. Therefore I also believe that handmade gifts are more romantic and memorable.
DIY gifts are truly memorable ones. A person who loves you will never throw your gift even if its handmade in trash.
Yep, handmade gifts are a very thoughtful thing. I mean, anyone can go into a store and buy something, but only people who really care about you will take the time to sit down and spend probably quite a lot of time making something special just for you.
Personally made gifts are appreciated more for the time and thought that went into making the gift as opposed to going to a store and picking up something that so many other people can have also. A home made gift is one of a kind no one else will have the same gift even if the person making the gift made two they would still be different in some way.
I was thinking about this, and I had previously commented about saving money as well. That's not always the case though, now that I give it some thought. There are some things I've made that cost quite a bit by the time you gather all the supplies. It helps if you already have a stash, but you frequently still need to buy stuff in order to make gifts. It really depends on the type of gift, I guess, whether or not you will save much money.
It probably depends on the people -- both givers and receivers. Kids making homemadegifts will always be cute and dear, no matter how untalented they are. But if an adult gives me a very badly made and tasteless DIY project, I might fake smile and claim to be happy -- I mean, I know a lot of crafters who I would be glad to get thoughtful craft projects from, but some people actually really just do it to be cheap, and it shows. Though to be fair, I might also fake smile and claim to be happy when I'm not about bought gifts, so it all comes down to whether I enjoy it or not (and I know, I know, the thought counts more and blah blah ungrateful but I'd really prefer that someone does not waste money on me on stuff I would never want or use in general)
I love receiving handmade crafts as gifts. It somehow makes you feel special because you know someone made an effort and put out their time just to create a present for you. Anyway, it's always the thought that counts.
I’m not the craftiest person aside from one or two things, but I enjoy receiving handmade gifts. Time and effort is worth something, and for someone to put their time and effort toward making something for me, I think that’s extra awesome and I’m always grateful for it.
Yeah you are right, actually I have customized some of my pictures with him and present him in a slam book with messages. He had put this gift in his locker DIY gifts really works
I tend to treasure handmade gifts. If someone spends time making something for me it just seems to make it all the more special. I also have been known to give handmade items, but I tend to only give them to people I know will appreciate them, as some people just don't seem to get what really goes into a handmade item.