I actually believed it and registered. They tell you to advertise their gimmick on 5 different forums and they will send you 10 dollars via Paypal. I did (really believing it was true and thinking I was helping other posters) and instead never heard back from them and even got one forum administrator upset about it. If you see anything about happyminers.com it is a SCAM.
So depressing how many scams are out there. So far (fingers crossed!) this doesn't seem to be.Log In Check it out. It is about signing other people up, but it doesn't cost anything.
Thanks for sharing the info! There are so many scams out there it's getting ridiculous. I personally google the site before I join to see if someone reviewed it. If I don 't find anything then I just don't use it. It's not worth wasting your time and effort if the site seems shady.
You should always be wary when someone says they'll pay $10 bucks for very little work. But good thing is even if they scam you, and you go back delete those links, they would only have succeeded in wasting your time [which I doubt was their intention]. Does it sound too good to be true? If it does then just don't bother working with such people.
Great info, thanks for sharing. I had heard of happyminers, but I don't like any site that asks you to SPAM for them. There are good sites out there that you can use to make a bit of extra cash online, but like Denis says, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.