I need help with getting my cat's scent out of my sisters and I apartment. Our cat, Dakota, is a very territorial cat. He sprays all over The House. We have tried to get rid of his scent- which is quite strong and overwhelming, but he keeps spraying. We don't want to get him neutered, so we are trying to see why he is spraying and what we can use in our home to eliminate the odor. I think he has an attitude problem. We recently got a new dog and he will just scratch her when she walks by him for no reason. He's the kind of cat that doesn't like to be bothered much. He sleeps all day and stays up all night. We think he may be jealous. What products do you suggest for this problem? I prefer natural products. Please also tell me the price of these items and where I can find them. Thanks in advance.
To get rid of the scent try Odoban, it is an enzymatic cleaner. In theory it should keep him from marking in the same spot. You might want to take the cat to the vet to see if it has a urinary tract infection. That will sometimes cause them to mark like they are territorial. We had that problem with our Boston Terrier. It's worth a shot anyway.
Anything with enzymes, just go to a place that sells pet related sprays.. but always look for the enzymes. They work like magic.
Thanks. I never thought of him having a urinary tract infection. I also didn't know about sprays with enzymes to prevent them from spraying either. I will definitely look this up. He's the first cat that I have ever experienced this with, so I hope this works. We had tried everything from vinegar to cayenne pepper- which were all "epic fails".
If he sprays all over the apartment then you are going to have a difficult time getting that scent out. I feel bad for the next tenant! I would open the airs for at least forty eight straight hours. You might want to consider buying fans and putting them in the middle of the rooms and point them towards the windows in order to get the stale air of the apartment to move outwards toward the windows. I'd burn a ton of incense too.
Actually, enzyme sprays work amazingly. I had a fixed male cat who still sprayed. He wanted out and we wanted to keep him in. We finally gave up and let him be an outdoor cat and he stopped doing it (even when he was indoors for days). All areas he sprayed stopped smelling only with the enzyme sprays. The cat is trying to tell you something though. I'd be making sure he's not ill first and if he's healthy, find out what he's upset about. If he's not fixed, that's definitely something you should do, but he might continue like my cat did.
Is your cat a male cat? If the answer is yes, and he is not neutered, he will continue to spray your house, your belongings. This is his way of marking his territory. There are enzyme cleaners to help get rid of the smell. However, you will be fighting a never ending battle. If he becomes neutered, it lowers his hormones and his need to mark his territory.
Cat odor is so hard to remove from a place. I don't have a cat any more and think I may get one until I remember how hard it was to keep the smell down when the cat decided he did not want to use the letter box. Hope the cat is not ill but I would take the cat to the vet.