A number of people may want to save money for a long period of time because they plan to use it to buy something quite expensive. Is the best "investment" choice for them a high yield savings account? The highest interests rates I've seen are quite low. Less than 3%. Aren't there safer ways to invest your money so you'll make more than what the banks may offer you?
This would be highly interesting, if the thread grows and people contribute solid ideas! It's the sort of thing I'd really want to investigate for when I'm finally rolling in it haha. I'm guessing this may change from country to country, so I may not necessarily learn anything from here. The one I'm definitely not so sure about is buying shares. Even still, it'll be interesting to see what other people have to offer
The bank's time deposit used to be a high-yield investment of up to 10% per annum of interest. But now that the economy is on a good stride, interest rates of banks are outrageously very low. Savings accounts yield just 1% and sometimes even lower while time deposit accounts are given an interest rate of less than 5% per annum. Maybe the best investment is real estate although this is much different than deposits. It is just like saying that earning from interest rates is not practical anymore.
Tire are some fixed deposit accounts which give upwards of 10% interest. But bank accounts are something to stay clear if you want to get high returns. I posit that real estate investment trusts (REITs), bonds and treasury bills.
In my home country some banks and financial institutes give up upto 10 percent interest on your fixed deposit account. If you have big amount to deposit, fixed deposit option can give you good return. Another good investment option is gold. You can buy gold when the price is low and sell when it becomes high. Gold is one of the best investment opportunities. The price many drop by little, however, it will never drop too low.