My husband and I started to take 2000 mg of Nature's Way garlic capsules (the equivilent of 20 cloves of raw garlic) each day about 1 1/2 years ago to fight off a recurring staph infection. Not only did it kill that staph infection but we noticed that we both had not had a single cold since we started to take this supplement, not even so much as a scratchy throat. Even when our girls, who don't take the supplements because they hate to swallow a pill, get colds, we don't catch them. Prior to taking the garlic capsules, my husband and I would get between 2-3 colds each year. I think this supplement is amazing!
My favorite thing to do when I am catching a cold is to mix 3 or 4 tsp of apple cider vinegar and honey in about 4 oz of water. Campbell's Chicken Soup also works wonders for me. Additionally, I try to eat lots of fruit. Some people have told me that I can't rid of a cold or sinus infection without an antibiotic, but I have proved them wrong.
I am a believer in using Zicam, when a cold trys to grab my body. For at least four years, I have used the product and it takes the cold sympthoms away. I also will use Vick's Vaporub on my throat and chest. Which helps to get rid of any cold ailment.
My doctor said that vitamin c pills usually go right through you, and you do not get much if any help from them. He said that one glass of orange juice will give you much more vitamin c than a pill. He must have been right. Every since I have kept lots of orange juice in the house, I have not been getting sick.