Most people like to read the tangible books rather than the eBooks. However, we will accumulate large blocks of books as time goes by. There will be not much spare space left on the book shelves. How will you deal with those tangible books? Will you read those books sometime in future again? Will you keep those books even if you know there is glimpse chance of reading them?
This is a huge problem for me right now. I LOVE my library. My bookshelves are like decoration for my home. However, I am growing increasingly aware of the impracticality of it and wonder how and when I will begin to downsize and stop using paper thus saving the planet. I do prefer holding a book in my hand to a tablet, but one cannot get around the cost effectiveness as well as the space saving advantages of going digital. I have a girlfriend who has gotten rid of all of her books which she is able to obtain via the internet. I thought this was a good way to start. Also, she has scanned all of her photos so that she no longer has to have a ton of photo albums around the house.