How do you decide whether to go to an airport or not considering that there is always some terrorist who goes there and blows people up? When things like this happen, do you decide to stop travelling abroad? I think about that all the time because I don't want to end up in a terrorist situation anywhere I go, but it's always in the news. So now I feel like it's highly likely that I can loose my life in an airport because I just don't know who's going to be there with a bomb ready to commit suicide. How to you determine what to do?
I hate to think that I would be in a position where there is a terroristic act in the airport when I travel. When the Brussels attack was reported on TV, we were having breakfast in the hotel in Bangkok. I shivered at the thought of such event happening in the airport of Bangkok on our way home. In fact, when we got home, I told my husband that it seems like getting to be scary to travel with that news of terrorism regularly. What makes us defenseless with those violent acts are the suicide bombers. You can never defeat them because they are suicidal already.
I don't think you can judge, but a country that is on high alert should have police and security everywhere as a deterrent. I used to work at Heathrow and Gatwick and there were always police around. I did get caught up in a few evacuations and also threats and ended up being locked in Gatwick airport once. There isn't much you can do about suicide bombers, but you should always look out for abandoned bags and report them.
Sadly, there are some countries that are more dangerous when it comes to terrorist attacks nowadays, so I try to avoid travelling there for the time being.
That's not something I dwell too much on because I refuse to let it rule my life! If there's not been any reports about the airport I'm using or my destination, I honestly don't give it a thought. If it's going to happen, it's bound to happen without warning, unless the attempt 's foiled. So why worry about the unknown?! However, where a country is on high alert or is always on the news for terrorist attacks, I wouldn't deliberately go there. It would just be stupid to do that, because there are usually warnings about these destinations anyway. It doesn't matter how beautiful a country is, my safety comes first.