We all want to save money. One place to save money is to stretch your food when cooking. I cut food smaller which make it seem like more, than cook it for just one meal so we eat everything all at one sitting so there will be no leftovers and no possible waste. I freeze leftovers that we got tired of eating so we'll have it for next time instead of letting it get spoiled. I buy food on sale all the time so we can save money. CVS, Walgreens, Safeway and other local supermarkets have weekly sales. We get variety sale items to eat all the time. How do you save money in your kitchen?
I also agree with the size of food item. There are many benefits of cutting food in small sizes, when the food is cut into small sizes, you can not only feed the same quantity of food to more people (because food volume is bigger) but also save time and energy while cooking. Small cut food cooks in less time. I also cook few dishes. This saves cooking time as well as money.
Cut the food into smaller portions also my first thought. Decreasing the consumption of other foods in general would also be another good idea because sometimes we cook in excess when it's not necessary.
I have three methods, I get to save money buy using coupons from news papers and online. I also have a Garden and a homestead so I can produce my own food like vegetables, eggs and meat.
My mom saves food she always makes extra and keeps the leftovers in the fridge which will come for saving her from cooking for at least two days. Also, she buys groceries in bulk weekly once. She is a budget queen.
I mostly do the cooking in our kitchen and one way of saving on expenses is to calculate the exact volume of ingredients for 2 reasons. First reason is the wastage that leftover may just go to waste because there are people in our house who don’t relish eating leftover. Reason number 2 is the capacity of the cooking utensil. Take for example frying chicken drumsticks. I would order for 8 pieces. And in case there is a mistake that 10 pieces were bought (by my wife) then I would have 2 batches of frying since our pan can only accommodate 8 pieces.
No food is wasted in our household. What is leftover is frozen and taken out when we want it. We steam that food so that it get is moisture back and tastes as fresh. We also make different dishes with leftover ingredients such as bread. Leftover bread can be used efficiently creating many snacks and desserts.