Most of us have our favorite brands. Maybe the flavor is great or we just believe that the brand is better than the rest of them. Sometimes however, because of a promotion or something like that, the prices of products may be slashed [in order to increase sales if that particular product is not selling that well]. Should you come across such an offer, do you stick with your favorite brand or to save money will you buy the brand that is cheaper, that day?
No, I do not necessarily stick with my favorite brand when there is a cheaper buy. However, I will try to price compare the value of the item based on its brand name. For e.g. if I had a cooking pan that was from a no name brand and it was 10.00 - I might not consider that a price that warranted special consideration. But if I were to see a Pampered Chef cooking pan at that price I would probably jump at it even if I did not need it. I could always give it to a friend in the future or if it was in very good condition even resell it. So the brand names do affect my purchasing decisions but I would not necessarily stick with my favorite brand if it meant saving money with another equally valuable item.
Good for you, H.C Heartland. There are some people who have this unshakable loyalty to brands to the extent that no matter how expensive it is, they'll still get it. I for one, like to try out different brands because the quality of the products is almost the same.
I don't mind choosing another brand. I just stick to the brands I regularly use because I'm used to them, enjoy them, etc. I'll choose a new brand often because I go to different stores and often try new stuff.
I almost don't stick with brands at all. Most of the time, I'll buy what's on sale or what's most convenient to buy at the store. Some things are obviously better to buy quality name brand items, but for a good majority of items, there really isn't all that much of difference in products. And by getting generic items, you can save more money.
I tend to experiment with brands. I will deliberately try out a few brands when it comes to consumable items. I will then decide whether I like the brand or not and whether it is worth the difference in price. I am sitting here with a cup of really bad coffee in front of me. It was a new brand and it was cheap. The savings did not justify the taste. I will not buy that brand again. Some people are brand happy and the market for Asian counterfeit knock offs is thriving in Vancouver. Everyone here has their fake Louis Vuitton handbag and their fake Rolex.
I have some favorite brands for some products, but I actually usually look for price, specially for things that don't differ a lot in terms of quality and taste. For tomato sauce for example and also pasta brands I'm not particularly picky, so something like Great Value from Walmart works out fine for me.
I'm the type that loves to try out other brands so that I can make a better comparison as to which brand is the best one among them all, so I would gladly try out the discounted brand. Who knows, the discounted brand might be way better than my favorite brand.
Sometimes you think your favorite brand is the best because you haven't really tried out other brands. If something is on sale, I'll give it a fair chance. I've found new favorites this way. Off brands sometimes just have a different flavor, not necessary better or worse, just different. I can always go back to my preferred brand if I don't like the new one for whatever reason. I like to be flexible.
I stick with my favourite brand no matter what the differences of the prices are or if there is promotion going on on a brand I dislike. If I like chocolate flavour of ice cream then even if the rest cost a lot cheaper, I'd still buy chocolate. This is because I only like the taste of chocolate
I don't mind trying another brand, especially if it's on sale. The only products I tend to not deviate from (in terms of name brand) is mayo and Miracle Whip and mayo. I don't know why but I'm very picky when it comes to these and had some bad experiences with store brands. The reason I don;t mind trying new brands is because generally when you look at the ingredient list it's all the same.
Only if I haven't tried the brand yet and it's cheaper. I am not really going to leave my own brand. I will buy both to try the cheaper one. If the cheaper one turned out to be better, then I am going to go for it next time and just forget of the old more expensive one. But generally I wouldn't go sacrifice my old favorite just for the cheaper one. Okay, let's make this clear, I am not after the brand, I am after the quality. I only stick to brands because of their quality.