Although having a big family isn't really that common anymore, I definitely want at least 4 kids! This is why I am working towards a successful job, I want my kids to have everything they need, and I definitely want a big family! I can't have a big family with no money! What do you guys think about family size and what works in today's society?
I think a large family is so great, and having a good job is so important but I promise as the kids get big they would appreciate everything you have done to raise them, I have a family of 7 and my husband in the military and I work also , but we maintain our house hold the kids are older and 3 are getting ready to go to college and have went through high school working and they wanted to help do things in the house. We enjoy our big family its never a dual moment in our home.
I grew up in a pretty large family, my mom is one of 10 and my dad is one of 7. Personally I just want 2 children, one boy and one girl. It's the typical family and everything now is catered towards families of 4. My boyfriend on the other hand wants up to 4 children, hopefully he will be able to negotiate! I also amd working hard for my future and I want to shower my children with their needs and wants (though, I won't spoil them).
If you can afford to raise them then by all means have as many children as you can while you can still bear them. That's how people did it in the past. I wouldn't mind having a huge family if I am very wealthy. Since I'm not that I'd go for a kid or two because I can comfortably raise them.
I think you can have whatever the number of kids you want as long as you can afford it. I grew up in a household of three children, it would've been easier if my family had a bigger income to support all of us.
I would like a big family also, but i don't think that i could handle 4 pregnancies. It just seems like to much stress on my body. i don't think that i want to put myself through that. I will be having one, maybe 2 children at the most. A boy, and a girl would be ideal.
I always wanted four kids, and I'm having my 4th this August. I'm totally happy about it. Pregnancy has been awful every single time, but I've been fine and recovered quickly from all of them. Never had an issue with weight loss or anything, which has been nice. I also started a little younger than I originally thought I would, so I'm finishing MUCH sooner than I thought I would, which is awesome. I am one of 4 kids. Loved having a big family growing up. Love it even more now. So I always wanted to replicate that for my own kids. Can't say financially it is a breeze but I've never been one to let money hold me back from doing something. My kids aren't spoiled, so that's a bonus.
Between my boyfriend and I, we have 5 children, with 3 years between each one. It's kind of neat the way it works that way, but at the same time, we have all age groups and all behaviors from those age groups all at once. It definitly makes life interesting, that's for sure. If I had not met my boyfriend, I would have been perfectly happy with 2 children. I don't think my body could handle being pregnant again after my son and I find it very expensive to raise children these days. Especially when you have a child with special needs. My son's medication for one month costs me over $240. That's a fair chunk of change that could go towards other things. Things like that you don't always consider when thinking of having another child and then it comes as a big surprise. I wouldn't trade him for the world though and would do it over in a heartbeat to have him
I have four children aged 15, 9, 2 and 10 months. It is best to make a decent living to pay for everything. My partner and I both work and even then we still have to stick to a tight budget.
I think it's up to everyone to decided for themselves. I am a stay at home mom with three kids and I love them. We don't have a lot of money but it's okay because we have each other and can take care of ourselves. My husband has a great job and I earn my own spending money. I grew up with two parents that worked all the time and we had money, but they were never there. I was a latch key kid and for me, my parents worked and worked just to have more "stuff" and I would have rather had them home. When they were home, they were to tired to deal with me, except for watching a few family TV shows a week, we never did anything together, never went anywhere, no vacations, just more "stuff". I would have gladly traded all that stuff for doing things as a family and spending time with them. Each person has to decided what is the right thing for them. If for example, we couldn't live off my husbands salary, I would go to work because we would not except things like food stamps or welfare, I would work to put food on the table and pay the bills. Since I do have the choice which I am very grateful for, I will stay at home.
Growing up I always thought I would get married and have at least 3, but things did not work out that way. I currently have two children. My son is 13 years old and then I have a baby that is now 10 months old. I would love to have more children, but after having my 2nd child at 42, I don't see myself having another one. It seems so much harder with a baby now then it was when I was 28. I feel so old some days! Even though I know there are many people that continue to have babies well into their forties.
If I'm lucky enough to get a boy and a girl, I think that would be ideal for me, but if my first two are either boy/boy or girl/girl then I'll try to have a third one. It definitely helps if you have a nice paying job, otherwise it can be tricky to afford all the expenses, especially as the children grow up.