How much do you really worry about money?

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by rossonomous • Apr 8, 2014.

  1. CrystalMarie

    CrystalMarieActive Member

    May 8, 2014
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    I used to worry about money on a daily basis. It wasn't until I realized that I was stressing myself out that I decided to stop worrying so much. As a college student, it is difficult to keep money in my pocket while trying to maintain a good GPA at school. I try to find discounts and coupons on whatever I can so that I can save money. By doing this I have brought down by stress levels enormously. I feel no one should worry about money and everyone should be entitled to the basic needs of life.
  2. caseyfacey

    caseyfaceyActive Member

    Mar 1, 2014
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    I am constantly worrying about money. I think about it every day, honestly. I'm constantly doing the math, crunching numbers. I can't wait until I can start saving money so that I can stop stressing as much. It's definitely a big stressor right for me, and has been for quite some time. I'm tired of always trying to reason with myself over every little thing I buy. I'm also sick of feeling guilty for making any totally unnecessary purchases.
  3. LindaKay

    LindaKayActive Member

    Apr 15, 2013
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    I know exactly what you mean. I'm constantly doing math in my head, crunching the numbers over and over again. I always feel guilty anytime that I buy anything. We also miss out on having fun or doing the things that we want to do. I'm definitely ready for some relief myself.
  4. LO

    LO0715New Member

    May 16, 2014
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    I'm right there with you when it comes to purchasing anything! I always think that the money I can use to buy an item can go to a bill or item that is more important than what I want to purchase for myself. I absolutely agree about missing out when it comes to having fun and doing things all because of the lack of money. I believe that I never have enough money to do anything. Even if I have a few extra dollars, somehow it always happens that something comes up and there goes that little bit of extra I could have used to have fun going to something else.

    I'm really trying hard not to be so worried when it comes to my personal finances, but truth of the matter is, without money none of us can really survive. We need it for almost everything, so until I can hit the lotto or somehow become so lucky that someone has left me money to inherit, sadly, I will always stress about not having enough money and "enough will never be enough" will remain my motto line as I continue this journey in life where I have to pay and continue paying for everything that I am responsible for.
  5. stardisgate

    stardisgateNew Member

    May 28, 2014
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    Oh my. I am constantly worried about money. I don't have a job and currently I am not working due to medical issues that are not covered by disability. I am trying to work on me and get my life together. I do worry about it a lot, but I have a plan I want to put into action. I make a quite a bit of money on different websites so I am going to get a prepaid card that I can have all my money deposited on to. Then after a while, I will have a bit saved up.