How much would I pay for it? Not much. I don't like the design a lot. I don't know what the metal or stones are or if they're real. To give a fair estimate, you should edit the post and add some information about the specifications.
Yeah, I can't really decide either. The design is pretty bad in my opinion. I would pay not more than $10, but that's just me. I don't wear pendals very often.
Yeah you should also post the materials of that pendant so that we will know if it's a quality item or not. I think I would pay $4 maximum for that item.
I buy costume jewelry because it's fun and I don't have to worry about losing it. If this piece is fake ,I would pay up to $10. But, honestly I've seen better looking costume pendants on Chinese sites. I'm not crazy about the design of the pendant.
I think the $10 estimate is a pretty good one. I can't say I like all the different colors. It's a bit much for me.
I would prefer that the "jewels" would be more diverse in color and they would be hold by just a single branch that maybe could curve to not be so long. And i guess more than $10 would be too much.
It depends on what it is made out of. I kind of like the look of the necklace, I'm wondering if it would look better not so close up. I would like to see it in a picture actually being worn by someone so I can see how big it is, where it would sit on the neck, etc. I think that the pink stones are pretty. I don't know, I guess I would pay about 10 to 12 dollars for this item.
Well, that looks very cheap. I'm guessing it is made with artificial materials, plastic rather than real crystal. I would not pay for that because it is not my style and I don't think it would be a suitable present for anyone I know. I would estimate it to be worth a few dollars, not even that. How much is it worth? Is it made of plastic?
Though I am not good at guessing I don’t think it can go for more than $10. Its materials look a bit cheap and not so elegant as it may look. But as I said I am not a good guesser so on the other side if I am far much lost on my guessing it may go up to $20 since it resembles the one I bought for my sister during her birthday and it was going for $15.