I have this problem when purchasing stuff with my credit cards. I do not realize that the money spent is real. This is not uncommon, but it got to the point at which I am worried for my personal finances. Spending like there is no tomorrow will lead to my own demise. Pleas give me advice on how to get a sense of the money I am spending when paying with my credit card.
Well why are you paying with your credit card in the first place? Maybe it's time to switch to cash for a while? If you want to use your credit card still, try signing up for a site like Mint.com. It'll help you track your purchases and alert you when you're going over budget or not meeting your goals, etc.
first you have to know if you are satisfying your WANTS or your NEEDS... then You have to RECORD your expenses paid either in cash or credit. Compare it with the income or money you receive.. you should also put a budget that you will follow every month. This way, you will be aware of what you spend.. and will also be aware of your limits. if your monthly expenses exceeds your limit... be afraid... be very very afraid!!!