How to get the word out about my ebook

Discussion in Books, eBooks & Audio Books started by niceness8000 • Aug 7, 2012.

  1. niceness8000

    niceness8000Active Member

    Aug 6, 2012
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    I have written a high-quality ebook about saving money on Walt Disney World vacations in Orlando. It's well-written and contains photos. Most of all - IT WORKS! Now I want to find a way that I can get the word out about it quickly. I have tried Twitter but I don't have many followers. I've also published it on, but I don't think anybody is finding it.

    I have also tried Youtube videos, which are entertaining (in my opinion), but Youtube videos about Walt Disney World don't usually go "viral," so my view count is low. About 17 million people go to Walt Disney World in Orlando every year. I know that most of them do not know how to save money on their vacations. This ebook will tell them.

    So is there any creative ways you can think of to get the word out? I already have a website dedicated to the ebook, but the niche is super, super competitive. SEO can take years in this case. Think outside the box, right?