Clorox Wipes only $1.49 Chunky Soups $1.49 - Microwave Bowls $2.39 Horizon product deals Totino's Party Pizza... 66 cents! Log In
I am planning to make a casserole and chunky soups can is one of the ingredients I used on making tasty beef casseroles. That is a great money saver on my part. I haven't used Chlorox wipes, I thought Chlorox only makes bleach and liquid disinfectants. I didn't know they have other line of products. I haven't tried Totino's pizza? is this a frozen pizza? Back in college I use to but frozen pizza and I add additional cheese and toppings to make it more gourmet and special.
Yep, Totino's pizza is frozen, and you can make it in the microwave or oven. And just like you, I also like to "add on" extras to make the pizza taste extra-special. I usually add shredded cheese and then a little Parmesan sprinkled on top. Totino's also makes "pizza rolls" and they are VERY good and done in seconds when you put them in the microwave. Over all, a pretty cheap product, but also very tasty.