My son is pretty young, and grows like a weed. Even so, he has a dresser and closet full of adorable clothing items, and boxes of clothes for the next two sizes up from what he currently wears. How did we accumulate so much clothing, when I stopped buying clothes a while ago? For one, we have an awesome family friend with two young boys just slightly older than my son. We graciously accept her boys' hand-me-downs. Accepting these clothes saves me not only money, but also time. Less time I have to spend hunting down adorable boy outfits, as she has already done all of the legwork! In return, I give my friend all of the diaper coupons I can, and sometimes a gift card that I earn online in exchange for a large piles of clothes and toys, even when she insists that she's happy just to get rid of the items. Secondly, our son's grandparents love shopping for their grandkids. As a result, our son is showered with toys and clothes beyond what he needs. Our family members insist giving gifts for holidays and birthdays, and they are thoughtful enough to ask what he needs first. We usually ask for practical items, like socks, a clothing item he needs, or his favorite snacks. While it may not last forever, I certainly am enjoying the huge savings we have been grateful to receive by not having to purchase kids clothes. How do you save money on kids clothes?
Very nice! My kids have a cousin who passes down her clothes to my kids as she outgrows them. She is a couple sizes too big though, so we have to wait awhile until they fit her.. Though, we do wear some of the PJs now, lol. I will be forever buying clothes unfortunately.
I have a friend who bought a lot of clothes for her child who is growing up really fast. Initially she thought she would sell these clothes to her friends who were expecting babies but when others started gifting her clothes of their older kids, she too started giving her friends her kids clothes which she previously wasn't willing to part with. I think if you have friends who have older kids you could save some money if you asked them for their kids clothes. It's not like they'll be worn out. You can give them back after a month or two if they want them.
Some parents in my place seek out uniforms from pupils who have moved from one level to the next which they have outgrown in size. Its not usually the same case with clothes for general use. Most people go for second hand clothes to close this gap. These are cheaper and have withstood the test of time.
Not buying clothes for children especially at a time when they grow fast is definitely big savings for a parent. My husband's aunt is actually our main source of clothing and shoes for our little boy. She's very fond of our little boy and she loves going into mall sales to buy him clothes and shoes. She sends enough supply for our boy every year so we haven't really spent a lot on clothes for him.
I don't have kids, but my mom was also dumped with some hand-me-down uniforms when I was still in grade school, and I was able to use the blouse and the skirt. I think giving hand-me-downs is a good way to get rid of things that you don't need anymore and at the same time you're also helping someone save money, so it's a win-win situation for everyone.