The majority of the products sold on iOffer are from China and counterfeit. I was tempted to buy some designer clothes at ridiculously low prices but I decided against it after doing a little research. Some of the fakes are very good but they are fakes. Have you had experience with iOffer?
I have sold things on Ioffer, and I am not from China. Its a great place to sell your inventory. I like it much better than ebay. I agree they sell a lot of fake designer stuff. But, its easy to tell the real from the fake.
Sell your inventory? What does that mean? The vast majority of sellers on iOffer are from China and the vast majority of the products they are selling are counterfeit. It's not easy to spot the fakes, the fakes are actually very good. Most of it is fake!
I have never bought anything from iOffer as I was never comfortable with the deals offered there. It might be a good place to sell something but I'm not sure how safe it is for buying. There are too many discussions about iOffer scams on the internet and unless I'm absolutely sure about the site, I am not going to buy anything from it.
No sh*t. I'm sorry, but isn't it a little obvious that a product that is being sold at such a low price is obviously not an original one? Original products are all around the same price, and they're definitely not something you will find in most (if not all) Chinese stores, like TaoBao. There are many kinds of replicas though; they're divided into different categories depending on how good they are (A+, AAAA, A++++++, etc.). If you're the kind of person who's looking for an original product, then try Amazon or some other real store.
I have looked at ioffer. I think if I did order something, I'd know what I was getting, and that'd be fine with me.
Well - authentic designer products cost more because of the quality materials and craftsmanship. You can get chinese products for cheap because they are produced by children with minimum wages and there's no quality control or anything that would raise the price.
I haven't bought anything from the store yet, but if you're looking to buy a designer item and you saw that the price is unbelievably cheap, then it's a no-brainer that that item is fake. You shouldn't complain that they have "scammed" you because the price itself is a clear indication that what you're looking at is not the real deal. And the Chinese are also known for producing a lot of fake stuff, and they make lots of pirated DVD's too, so you shouldn't expect much from Chinese sellers.