I cook a lot using tinfoil because I love just leaving things in the oven to cook while I do my work or chores, and tinfoil keeps my tray clean and undamaged. That said, I always just get the cheap brands because I didn't really think there was much value in getting the higher priced ones, albeit the price difference isn't really that high, but it does add up. Anyway, I've been using one of the cheapest brands of tinfoil lately, and I've noticed that my food sticks a lot easier to it and it's a lot thinner than the old brand I used to use too. I'm just wondering if my food sticking to the foil has more to do with the inconsistencies in my methods because I admittedly just kind of "wing it" whenever I'm cooking using the oven - i.e. I don't really time anything and I may just sometimes move/turn the food inside prematurely. What do you guys think? Is the food sticking to my foil more possible to be due to the foil or do I just have to start timing my cooking time a lot better? Do you care about the brand of your tinfoil?