This is just a suggestion for those who like to shop online. With all the scams and other problems with site hacking and stolen credit card information, it can be a challenge to keep yourself safe. I suggest keeping a separate card for online use only. This card should have a low balance so that someone cant run up a huge bill on your behalf. While you should ensure the security of the card to the best of your ability, it is sometimes the fault of a vendor for a security failure. You may not be held responsible if it isn't your fault, but you can at least mitigate the damage by not having a large balance and not compromising all of your cards online. Do you have a separate card or another method for keeping it safe online?
I have had a "online use only" card for 5 years now. It's a low credit line card that I use to buy my kids and myself clothes or whatever else online. I not only done this for the security but to keep myself on budget. If I have a low budget and have to spread it between 5 people, I shop accordingly. I shop the sales with coupon codes. Often times, if you use a credit card to pay, the company gives you even more credit. I'm all about getting more stuff for less money.
That's a pretty good idea. Majority of my purchases are made through PayPal. I wish Amazon excepted paypal, they are an exception for me. But, I try not to use the same card that I use for bill for online purchases.
I must say we all have our fears of being scammed. Then also most online stores are being hacked everyday and the credit card information is exposed. I think it is time that we had a separate credit card for online shopping.
I have a separate card for online transactions and keep a very minimal amount on it and only transfer more when required. I prefer to use Paypal or direct deposit though and I only ever buy from a company I trust and know when using a credit card. Some financial institutions offer buyer protection on their credit cards that protect you from online fraud and although you may pay a little bit extra for this is it worth it for piece of mind. Credit card details are bought and sold everyday and its too temping for some unethical folks to sell your details. The more you can do to protect yourself, the better.
That's a good idea. I haven't used a separate card for online shopping. I just monitor my cards online and check the transaction records regularly. I wish I'd thought of having a separate card for online shopping but I guess it's not too late to delete my card numbers from Amazon. Security breaches like the big credit information leak at Target just remind us that even big companies can't protect our personal information from hackers, so we have to be vigilant.
I think it's a good idea more for budgeting and tracking purposes than it is for security purposes. Realistically, at this point, credit card companies can detect fraud and if someone racks up a high balance, you can get that all returned to you because they recognize it as fraud. It might still be an issue for you if you become overdue on a bill or something, but they're really good at this stuff now, so it's not as big of a deal as it used to be.
I think this is an essential privacy tip. I think it is a priority to keep a separate credit card for online shopping. In fact, i keep a few extra cards. However. They are not credit cards. They are debit cards. That mean you can not spend more than you add on them. They do not have a credit line. They are prepaid. Using a prepaid card means you will not have to worry about any unauthorized charges because there will never be any money on the card anyway.
Its necessary i guess especially for those who prefer buying their stuff online and hardly go for other purchases for that different credit card needs to be there which should be used according to the arrangement of specific use which is really helpful.
Separate Card for Online Shopping After doing a bit of research and consulting online, I can say that it is pretty useful to have a separate credit card for online purchases. I don't think the CC has to come from your regular bank or regular financial service provider, although it's not a bad thing to get one from your bank. Concerns are usually with the balance, and on how your decisions would affect your credit history. I haven't been able to find deals on virtual credit cards that are for online purchases only, but I have been told that there are virtual bank accounts for online uses. So if the online purchases are for a small business, there could be other options like a business card or business credit cards, which your bank may be able to recommend. It's a good idea to be on the lookout for options.
Yes, I've done this for years, but rather than actually getting a brand new credit line, I just had American Express send me a pre-paid card that is only linked to my actual card by the ability to transfer some of my balance to the pre-paid card. Other than that, there was no connection and if anyone managed to do something with the pre-paid card they wouldn't be able to do it for long as I only made transfers for specific things. You can even direct deposit directly onto the card if you consistently wanted $10 or whatever on the card.
Yes indeed! you are spot on with this thread. I also use an online card only and it's a PayPal MasterCard. The only money I spend online is the money I make online. That way my income form my regular Full-time job never gets touched. Like you said, it's very scary and dangerous out here nowadays with all of the sophisticated technology hackers and criminals are using to hack accounts. I started using this technique a couple of years ago.
Yes, having a separate credit card for online purposes is better to monitor your purchases. But in buying on-line is better made through paypal as it conceal your data and protect your account details.
I use a pre-paid credit card for my online transactions, that way there is only ever a finite amount that I could lose and I only top it up when I am set to make a purchase, giving a very small window of opportunity for any would-be scammers. I have been able to link my per-pay mastercard to my Paypal account, so this is a very safe and convenient way for me to shop.